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Ari is my Cat

This is one of my favorite "fun" episodes. I love the concept, I love the glimpse into Giles past.


Leaving work now. Cant wait to watch when I get home!!!

Ari is my Cat

Have you seen Happy! yet? I notice the comic on your wall.


No I have not checked it out. Both that and Deadly Class are comics I enjoy and need to watch. Deadly Class is also on my wall.


I just love Spike so much. Ethan is a great character too.


Hmm. At the end of Reptile Boy, they did go and have coffee at the Bronze. But yeah, that didn't quite establish. Awesome episode, though. The random escape of Spike, while welcome, was completely bizarre.


Steven, you are the voice of the fandom back in the day: “ Don’t kill Spike! He’s too good!” I love this episode so much. The concept is just very fun, it's a great comedy one - but we also get some interesting hints that Giles might be more than we think he is. Very interesting to have someone from his past show up as the bad guy creating chaos. I fuckin adore Spike, he is the best, and Drusilla - yes! I would watch a show of just the two of them as well ! Dru :"Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?" Spike: "From eyeballs to entrails my sweet." Yup, Buffy/Angel is totally gross and inappropriate - of course plenty of us were totally squicked out by it back in the day just like you are, but what is different is that the writers even thought of going there and thought it was ok to put such an inappropriate relationship on air and romanticise it. Though we haven't seen yet where they may go with it. Lots of teenagers just thought it was a lovely angsty romance, but once you are an adult, you see more how wrong it is - and I was already an adult when watching. Btw, I agree it is a big jump from the last episode to making out in Buffy's bedroom. they kissed in season 1, but then were not going out, just having feelings for each other. In the last episode in the cemetery, Angel was arguing that it can't work because she is only 16, and he can't be in the daylight with her. The Willow berated Angel for not having the time to go for a coffee with Buffy - and this seems to have changed his attitude to going on dates with Buffy? Then they go from one supposedly 'failed date' - just cos Buffy wasn't feeling 'coiffed' enough - to the bedroom smoochies. Huh, guess it's supposed to be being in danger together. Great reaction, glad you loved this ep - it's one of the fan favourites, though not top ranking for the majority.


I agree on the bizarreness of Spike's escape. Which is why I can never give this episode a 10. I mean, maybe if they'd had Buffy chase after him, but he managed to get away, that would've worked better.


Yeah, I'm pushing 50 fairly hard now, and I don't remember any time in my life when in real life, anyone would have thought it was okay for a 26 year old to date a 16 year old. As people get older, that ten years isn't a big deal, but 16 to 26? That's a big one. And yet, I remember it on TV and in movies. (It was truth in television for Little House on the Prairie, of course, but it was still weird... and now that I think about it, it involved Buffy's dad...) <i>Heathers</i> makes a big fuss about high school kids going to college parties, and I think it occurred on 90210, though I might be hallucinating that. It's treated weirdly casually here. I can accept that vampires stop maturing at the moment of vamping--though even there, Angel should be an exception, so he should actually be more mature, not less--but vamping still occurred in the mid-20s.

Vicky N

I love this episode. So fun and much deeper than you might think at first glance. The use of the Ianus spell is brilliant as character exploration and revelation. As Drusilla says, in this episode we see the insides, the part you don’t see of our characters. And the fact that Cordelia’s inside is the same as usual is significant as well. Cordelia is Cordelia, what you see is what you get. Buffy despite being the Slayer, deep inside feels the need to relies in her mind on male authoritative figures. Xander despite the self deprecating humor is courageous and loyal. Willow is assertive and self confident. As for Giles and Angel, the other two of the main cast not directly affected but the spell, we get to see a little bit about their past that wasn’t revealed before. Spike and Dru were fun as usual. I loved all their scenes together but everything that happen with happens once the spell is cast is unnecessary and cheapens the character.

Vicky N

About Buffy and Angel, I don’t think that is established how old Angel was when he was sired until much later in the show (no spoilers). And as the actor who plays him is, in real life only 2 years older than the one playing Xander, it’s clear that they wrote this relationship with this kind of age gap in mind. People watching the show, at the time, didn’t think 26 years old dating a 16 years old, beceause they didn’t know he was supposed to be 26 and it wasn’t written this way. That’s why I think that revealing this fact to you, as a first time viewer kind of influence your reaction. And I say this not as fan of this relationship (I am not), but as a fan of first time reactions

Alexis Cardarella

There was definitely this age gap that was apparent. We knew he was hundreds of years older through immortality. Then, seasons later, later on, it established he was 26 when he was turned, I believe.. In any case, people knew, or suspected an age gap up until then, and that was during the R Kelly and Aaliyah days, so the majority didn’t make a fuss. 😢Also, the age of consent throughout America is also different than the majority of Europe, where this also aired. Where the age of consent is mostly 16.. So when people viewed this outside the US, they did have the tendency to view the relationship age gap as something as an age gap they could overlook, rather than view it as pedophelia.

Alexis Cardarella

Btw- this episode was hella fun to watch you react to. 😁

Annie R. James

Great reaction! I'm pretty sure Willow wasn't dressed as any actual person or character, just wearing Buffy's clothing to look 'not her' on come as you aren't night. That's why the Boo! costume, or she wouldn't have turned into anything.


The Buffy/Angel relationship always creeped me out too.

Ari is my Cat

Never was a fan of the Buffy/Angel thing but I get it from a power stand point. Buffy has some serious power. She's stronger than Angel and he's the closest to her power level. So I get the idea that she would be attracted to the person closest to her power level. On the flip side Angel dating a 16 year old just makes him look like a total creep.


That's a really good point. The ages of some of the vampires within the buffyverse are only revealed later through the series as part of their increased backstory. But initially, I always thought or assumed Angel was maybe 18-19, kind of college boy age. I believe Buffy even tries to tell Joyce he is in college and is tutoring her or something lol. BUT part of me also thinks that its important to consider the differences in time periods too. Back in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s etc, it was very common for young women to be married off and having children at 15,16,17, etc... often to older men in their 20s, 30s, even older than that. Once you got your period and became a woman, and had completed your "training" to be a suitable wife lol, you were brought out as marriage material for men to court, and marry. Vampires like Angel were born and grew up in time periods where that was not just completely acceptable, but actually encouraged. Its only around the past 50-60 years really that this kind of thing is deemed immoral and wrong, and mostly in the western countries.


yeah, in UK age of consent is 16. So I never saw an issue. And watching buffy for the first time, always assumed Angel was around 18-19 or something. Its much later that its established what age he was turned and things like that. But I was never bothered about the age difference. We know he is an old vamp, so there's age difference there. I like to make fun of the relationship now that I am older, but as a young teenager, I loved the "instant love" lol. Now I can see things differently, and how rushed that relationship feels now. Completely can see why Steven would be like "when did this become a thing? Did they even have a date? What?" haha


I absolutely ADORE your reactions to Spike and Dru. I have often thought that any episode with either or both of them in was always made like 1000x better than if they had never shown up at all. They did such a great job introducing these characters in ep3 this season, and its hard to not want them to stay alive somehow haha

Irene Cuartas

I love that you really love Spike and Dru. I just love them too. &lt;3 This is one of my fav ep on this season. &lt;3


IIRC, Angel was supposed to be 19-20 when he became a vampire. Pushing the appropriate age gap in comparison, but not spectacularly so. So he's a blend of young guy immaturity, and old man wisedom, or at least that's what they attempt.