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Ari is my Cat

When a Slayer dies a new slayer is chosen by fate.

Cheryl Coffin

Give the scores that you feel now. You’ll know when Buffy starts getting really good.

Ari is my Cat

Next episode (6) is very good.

Ari is my Cat

It doesn't matter how strong you are if there is no leverage. The only force she could exert was her own body weight. Best she could do was yank to try and loosen the anchor but basic physics doesn't give her much to work with.


I love Willow barking at Giles and Angel :)


Boreanaz is on the show _Bones_ (or was, I think it's cancelled). As to the gross statutory stuff with 21 year olds and 16 year olds... not exactly smiled on then, either. Though the show is weird about that, given that she wants to date a 240 year old vampire...

Other Boy Reactions

In my opinion there are no more filler episodes in the rest of this season...with the exception of one. But it’s pretty much an amazing ride for the rest of season 2😁


Well I'm excited to be on that ride. If this or the mummy Episode is the lowest of the remaining I'm excited. No more FrankenHighSchooler low though. That one I was not a fan.


It is about to get good. I know you mentioned liking and reading comments, but I must refrain from commenting. I am prone to spoilers. All I will say is the back half...so good.

Hans Olav

Because of the low budget, many of the monstery fights in the early seasons are really bad because they struggled to get the cheap dummies and rigs to look acceptable on camera. It seems like you care about /are interested in the production, so I hope that doesn't "spoil" anything. Also many times when you think "why isn't Buffy stronger?", its because Joss Whedon thinks it is better to sacrifice continuity if it means he can tell a better story (or something to that effect). It doesn't affect the show in a huge way, but it happens.

Vicky N

This episode suffers from trying to be to say too many different things and you ends up with unpleasant mixed messages. The fraternity boys behavior is appalling, but Xander, the “good guy”, is jealous and envious of them. Even Willow admires their movie star good look and wealth. There’s an attempt to denounce rape culture, but Buffy is made to feel bad because by lying, she put herself in this situation. I liked Willow outburst to Giles and Angel, I feel that Xander could use the same kind of tough love. Someone needs to address his sense of entitlement towards Buffy, I don’t find it funny at all. I gave this episode a 6, I have to disagree that this episode is better than anything in season 1, it’s certainly not better than the season one finale. I won’t say anything about the rest of the episodes or the show, so that I won’t buildups expectations.

Ari is my Cat

Xander is funny and witty but his jealousy makes him unbearable. The only time Xander isn't kind of a dick is when he's in a relationship with a killer mummy or being seduced by an insect woman... Single Xander is the worst Xander...


Since you asked, and it's only a minor detail - Angel was 26 when he was turned. So you are right in him looking 25. Although the show is weird about this (as Fernwithy mentioned), having a romance between him and Buffy - doesn't mean there weren't a lot of us creeped out by that at the time. ( Although Angel talks to Buffy here about him being 241 and she doesn't really know what she wants - they do romanticise it, and he's already kissed her in season 1 - why only bring it up now? !!). And of course, sex would be illegal - it was still statutory rape, 1997 is not that long ago. It was weird back then though, how things could be frowned upon by society - and parents, as being manipulative and inappropriate, hence illegal - but still romanticised in films & movies. Messed up and was always icky to me. Of course, for 16 year olds, from their perspective it's pretty normal to fancy young adults, cos 16 ( or 17) year olds always think that they are more mature than they are, and that they are adults already. So I can see Cordelia being interested in 21/22 yr old frat boys, but when I was at school, I still think that most 16 year olds would see dating a 26 year old as not ok. The frat boys of course are very creepy for hitting on 16 yeear olds, and the show is giving mixed messages, cos they are the bad guys and I think we're meant to feel that way. ( aside from the later roofie & sacrifice stuff that is). TV shows don't help when the cast adults in their 20s in teenage roles. It makes 15, 16, 17 year olds seem much more mature than they really are, and so then there is a visual disconnect when we see a supposedly 16 yr old with a 22 yr old, when the actors are actually 20 ( Buffy) or 27 ( Charisma) with 24/28 yr old actors. I do think because of this, that for some people back then (mostly the teenagers I expect), the ickyness went over their heads. I do wish they wouldn't cast people over 20 as teenagers - but then we wouldn't have the great cast that we have on Buffy. I couldn't imagine anyone but Alison Hannigan as Willow!


This is not a great episode, I'd give it a 5. One thing I do like about it, is having ordinary humans as the bad guys - not only vamps and demons can be evil. In real life of course, only humans do evil shit. So I'm glad that things on the show aren't so black and white as 'demons bad, humans good.'


Um, ok -confused by this comment, "That doesn't hold up well, very rapey" - about the drunk lurching frat boy. Well of course it is, it's meant to be. Do you really think that anybody ever watched that and thought ' yeah this guys ok, and behaviour is normal, not creepy and gross in the slightest." Just because a certain behaviour is in the narrative, doesn't mean it's condoned by the writer's either, it's writen as an example of very bad behaviour.( he would have proably been WAY safer than the guy that 'rescued' Buffy from him though!). I find it really annoying when people think that nobody cared about rape or older guys being lecherous 20 years ago, as though it suddenly sprung up with the recent #metoo campaign or something. Yes , things have improved in attitude, but what has changed is - men caring enough to challenge their mates on this, and try and change things. Most women and girls have always hated this behaviour ( apart from some young girls got sucked in by the manipulation, they still do). We were going on about this for decades - it's just that men paying any attention to it, and caring about this behaviour, is something much more recent - for the majority, not all of course. Us women have always knows it's damn creepy and rapey.


Ug, a whole comment disappeared ! Patreon was doing this to me quite a lot, not so much recently. I'm gonna have to start typing them all out in a document first again. I don't have the energy to do it now, will get back to re-wrtiing it.


There are maybe 4 episodes in s2 that I skip when I rewatch now, this is one of them. Those 4 episodes I skip, to me, feel like left overs they couldn't fit into s1, but I do think the "monster of the week" style episodes this season hold much more weight than in s1. Maybe that's due to better budgets, or the writers having a full season to work with and play with to build the arc and storylines, to grow the characters more - but even these episodes still feel like they give something to the arc when you look back on them. I also think with an opener like "when she was bad" and ep 3 "school hard" it makes these episodes so much more noticeable lol.

Katherine Thoreson

I don't remember how to spell the snake demon's name....Maketa???.....but apparently the writers got the name from the brand of power tools used on set.