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Ari is my Cat

Got 2/3rds in before it disappeared.

Ari is my Cat

Says it exceeded sharing limit.


Everything was working fine until I hit roughly the 33 minute mark at which point I kept getting an error (Something like "A error occurred during playback") waiting 5 seconds and hitting the play button allowed it to play for another 10-30 seconds, then after 3 times of doing that it wouldn't work so I refreshed. Refreshing worked for about 5 minutes but then the error occured again and hitting play button did nothing, so I tried refreshing again and got "This item can't be opened right now, The person sharing it has exceeded their sharing limit. Please try again later". Only made it about 40 minutes through the video so far but I'll go ahead and comment on what I have seen. First off personally I prefer the player on google drive but was going to comment that I didn't care which you used, until I hit the error at the 33m mark. If the error I was getting was related to the sharing limit that wouldn' be as bad but still on google drive it atleast lets those that have started it finish it. Also on google drive once the sharing limit has been reached others can sill watch they just have to duplicate it to their drive and and watch from there, does not appear to be a similar option on OneDrive (I did see a copy option before I opened it or after I was messing around trying to get the sign in ovrelay to disappear) but that is not helpful because before the sharing limit I don't need to make a copy and I don't have much room on my OneDrive. I would personally prefer to see a return to google drive but if it is much easier from your end I would suggest looking into how to raise the share limit or put a warning on the patreon post telling people to copy it to their OneDrive and watch it from there.

Ari is my Cat

I was able to get it back but it stopped in the same place. I was able to download it and just finished.


Now then on the actual episode of the show (Still only seen about 40 min of the vid as per the issues in my other comment). The theme song played at the END of the previous episode during the credit scroll, it did not however make an appearance in the usual spot. You were asking about where the other girl went (Lassiter's previous partner) it was addressed in the episode and you did catch it somewhat but I think you misheard and thought Lassiter transferred her. She was transferred by the higher ups when her relationship with Lassiter was made public (by Shawn) which may have been a development that they always planned but for a couple episodes down the line, however the characer actually had negative response from test audiences and so that was why she was removed immediately. You also kept asking "Why doesn't he just tell them x" or "Why doesn't show them proof y" and that is because he is supposed to be psychic, if he tells them about the evidence he has directly that could lead to them finding out he isn't psychic. Also in terms of the poisoned food that alone would be tampering with a crime scene and tamperig with evidence. If they find out he isn't psychic he can be charged with at least obstruction of justice if not many others as well.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Hey. Joined yesterday, as JJ told me you'd be starting Psych, one of both of our favourite shows, but I don't seem to be able to find the pilot?


That all makes sense, I figured it was behind the scenes stuff why she wasn't in the show. I assumed she had another role on another show but testing poorly with audience members could be a big issue.

Sarah Trow

I still don't have episode 1 showing under psych tag...


Not sure why its doing that for you. I have tried on two phones and the computer and it shows with that tag.

NaTasha Norris

I noticed for me that the loading problem is just that if I click the link and immediately try to pull it up for full screen the video doesn’t load. But if I click the link and just push play without expanding the size of the screen it starts after a couple seconds. Then I can click the expansion button to fill the screen.


Hopefully it gets better and loads better. I'm looking to see what the best place for easy streaming is.