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Ari is my Cat

As a pilot I feel this does everything it needs to.


Idk for me I just felt it was ok. It established who he was as a person but the crime itself was just ok and the secondary lead didnt do much. But that just me it's all subjective

Ari is my Cat

The best parts of this series tend to have a bigger connection to the guy who killed his wife and child.

Ari is my Cat

The main guy was in LA Confidential and a show called The Guardian.


I know the actor but not the character. I thought his name was Simon but that's the actors name

Ari is my Cat

The female lead was the lead in the movie The Craft.

Ari is my Cat

Honey and tea for the sore throat. Also Halls. I had to play a preacher who gave a fiery loud sermon/rant telling a mother her dying son was going to hell and the days inbetween the performances my voice was shredded and I had to spend those four off days getting my voice back that way.


One of my all time favorite movies. I started watching this show because of her.

Ari is my Cat

I think what this episode does is establish just how broken the main character is. He is obsessed with catching the guy who killed his family. The end establishes that he doesn't really live his life, he's stuck. With this show the mystery is secondary to the way he fucks with people's heads.

Toasted Toad

I think that if you did not love this pilot, you're not going to love the Mentalist. It all turns on Patrick himself, who is so charismatic as played by Simon Baker. At once clever, intuitive, funny, immature, and deeply troubled. For me, I was hooked from that very first scene, where Patrick is quietly and calmly getting the truth from that woman, and then when it all goes pear shaped and the police come bursting in, he looks like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Brilliant acting. Yes, the side characters become more fleshed out and interesting, but if you don't care about Patrick, forget it. Personally, I'm stunned that anyond could even think about giving this one a 6. I wouldn't go lower than an 8 or 9, and that's only because I know there is better to come.

Jason Usher

This is one of my favorite shows ever, It really gets better and better, its a real emotional roller coaster, hope at some point you continue it