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Ari is my Cat

Ampata is a name, it means explorer or something similar.

Ari is my Cat

I think the mummy went after Ampata because she was aware of the conversation about the exchange student they were having in front of her before the seal was broken. She mentioned touring the US so she was aware of her travels.


This is another one of those “miss” episodes. No worries you’re getting to the good stuff

Ari is my Cat

The body guard guy was silly.

Ari is my Cat

The other thing that implies she was aware of everything said around her while she was on display is the fact that she speaks english. We are supposed to think she learned it by hearing it day after day in museums all over the US. Otherwise she should have been speaking ancient Incan and I'm not sure anyone knows what that sounds like.

Ari is my Cat

Episodes 6 and 7 are both very good episodes.

Nick Velasquez

Yea I was going to say, she overheard Buffy telling Xander and willow about ampata and where she was going to meet him. She saw a way to fit into the world with few questions asked


I agree with you assessment. There were things I love in this episode and things I definitely did not like. I like it more now than I did when I initially watched it. Also, I don't think Oz was attracted to Willow just because she was cute. I think he also felt she was interesting because of her costume choice.


Yeah that’s what I thought about Oz. He saw someone unique who was an individual, instead of all the other girls who were wearing more party-type costumes. That made her stand out to him, which I think is super cute.

Vicky N

Definitely not one of the best but an improvement on season one nonetheless. A few great moments like the “training” session when Giles tries to reason with Buffy and she keeps high kicking him to submission. Everything with Willow was great. The fact that Oz was attracted to Willow wearing the uncomfortable but authentic costume, means that he “gets” her. It’s not about physical appearance, even if she is adorable. The rest is forgettable, the parallel made between Buffy and Ampata is interesting but too heavy handed.


Sarah herself didn't like the shortness of Buffy's dresses/skirts and went to the powers that be over them and as the series presses on, you see them less and less. Also a small trivia thing but the guy who played Rodney was Clayne Crawford who is more famous these days for playing Riggs in the current TV series of Lethal Weapon until his backstage behavior got him axed.

Alexis Cardarella

This episode is very laugh out loud funny because of the good dialogue. But I guess I’m inclined to vote “it’s fine, couldn’t have been better, due to the silly plot.. or at least how it was executed. It’s a fun episode though. And hell yes, the music is lit in this episode. Four Star Mary is the music portrayed by Oz’s band


I feel mixed about this episode. I'd give it a 5, but a couple of things elevate it to a 6 for me. I like having a more grey area monster, that we can sympathise with. That she was just an innocent young victim whose life was taken away from her, and wants the chance at having one. However, though the survival instinct is strong for everyone, she still doesn't have a very strong moral compass, to be willing to kill so many others for her to live. The other thing - well 2 - that I like, is the story with Willow and her feelings for Xander being explored, and I love Seth Green turning up in the episode as Oz and being attracted to Willow. It's so cute! I love that someone notices and likes Willow for who she is - being all cute and different in her Inuit costume, rather than dressing 'sexy' like most of the other girls. I hate the pressure for fancy dress costumes to be 'sexy' for women, so I love this. And Willow wants to be authentic, so she doesn't care how hot the costume is ! I really don't like all the cultural appropriation in the costumes at the club though, and feel kinda weird about still finding Willow cute in hers, dammit! , but there you go. And yes, I didn’t understand or notice this back in 97, took me about a decade. However, I always felt a bit off about this episode , because the show is not great in depicting other cultures - very stereotyped. And I never liked the way Xander talked to “Ampata’ ( Mummy Girl) at first - all slow and patronising. It’s nearly as bad as how Cordelia was to her exchange student, and yet the narrative doesn’t call him out on it, and she falls for him despite him being a patronising jerk. On Seth green - this wasn't exactly 'early' in his career, since he had been a child actor, but it was before he was famous. His first appearance as Scott Evil in Austin Powers came after this.


This episode is horrible. Worst than I Robot You Jane of which I actually don't mind.

Corey Wolf

Yes. You are right. It's not a big huge secret. Buffy wears short skirts and the like. Your observation skills equal every other person on the planet. Can we move on? Is this something to contemplate in amazement every single episode? It's enough man. We get it. We never questioned it.


This is something that I will continue to point out. I speak my mind and its going to keep happening. Even if I tried I feel it would still just come out. I dont go out of my way to point it out it's just what happens based on what I see. The outfits during those times are what stands out more than the dialogue. The episode that I recorded today I mentioned it again, just what comes out of my mouth. I point out what my brain sees. Sorry if it bothers you, it's not my intention to bother you during the reaction. but I dont see it stopping entirely unless they stopped doing it. When she wears it it feels so out of character and like they are doing it to make her stand out in that way. I would point it out in any show I watch if it was so obvious in it. But I'll see what I can do to make it so it's not a bother to everyone.


I actually enjoy this episode and feel it is very different. I'm glad Xander got some real dating experience. I think the show was hinting that the princess was another slayer in her generation. I could be wrong, but she seemed to explain it in detail when talking to Buffy, which I didn't notice before until watching this reaction. I wonder if she wasn't supposed to be awakened because she would basically be a pissed off slayer? IDK, but it's cool to think about. The second season is just a little above the first season, at least at the beginning. It does get better, but I genuinely appreciate every episode in some way. Thanks for your reaction! :D I respect your opinions. and just hope you do enjoy it.