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I went too positive on the previous episode. It deserved a 5-6 range as well and I think I gave it a 7 but this one is worst so I'd give it a 5.


I'd actually say I enjoyed this one more than the last part, just because if felt like the good moments were more frequent, but to each their own. :) Also, now that you've finished this 2-parter, I thought I'd let you know that's it's generally in most people's top 10 worst episodes of the 2005-2019 series (New Who/NuWho), so you're not alone. Reaaally looking forward to the next one, hopefully you like it!

Ari is my Cat

He didn't know what would happen he just remembered that Jones would be Prime Minister. Even then it was a passing knowledge. He recognized the name but couldn't place it til the end.

Amanda Logsdon

I seldom ever rewatch this one, not one of their best. Except for the character building.


Yeah im sure most people would agree these were the weakest of the first series.


In terms of changing time and going back to stop the 12th month situation, they couldn't do that, because that would be changing time and would be a paradox. They would be going back to change it because they saw that they skipped 12 months and had drastic effects on Jackie and Mickey, but then if that changed, they wouldn't have had any reason to go back and change it, and so it would be a paradox. Once you know something has happened e.g. Rose went missing for a month, you can't change it.