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Howdy Ladies and gentlemen, I have got some small changes that I have made to the schedule. This is not final but it's what I want to shoot for. This is going to be a bit of a look into my mindset right now. 

On YouTube I will be bringing back double drops. 

  • AVATAR  
  • DOCTOR Who
  • The Office 
  • Scrubs

What this means is that you will get 2 Patreon Episodes ahead a week as well for these shows.

I have decided to attempt to drop 5-6 Episodes for One Piece on one day on YouTube instead of spreading them out. As for Bleach I will try to get that back on Track and Drop 2-3 on the same day as One Piece.

Fullmetal, Death Note and Slime will all be starting up next week. Should have two episodes for each recorded this weekend up on Patreon. 

Firefly and Seven Deadly Sins will now be Available to all $1+ Patrons as Exclusives. Firefly will come to YouTube in a month or two.

So I want to do shows that no one is really doing on YouTube. I think that I want to find an audience for shows that dont get as much love from Reaction channels.

So I have added Chuck and Dexter to the Weekly Schedule next week as regular series. They were originally going to be Exclusives but I have decided to put them up on YouTube as well. So on Patreon at the $5+ tier you will get episodes early like the other series.

I will look into adding one more later on that no one reacts to based on the feedback from the community and comments. 

$5 Patrons will get Sword Art Online as well as one more Live Action show. Once I have gone through the Pilot Program shows we will do a vote at the $10 Tier for shows and the ones left over will be voted on at the $5 tier. 

$10 Tier will be getting Cowboy Bebop, One Punch Man and Stranger Things as regular Reactions starting Next Week. The other days will be filled out by what is voted on from the Pilot Program on Patreon.

Now as for the other new stuff you see on the schedule. That stuff is not guaranteed. I have not decided if or when I will start those reactions. 

  • Agents of Shield 
  • The Flash
  • Punisher
  • Soul Eater 

Are all shows I personally want to watch but they are not priorities over the other shows. Those are shows that I just want to watch and am debating if I should actually do reactions for them or watch them on my personal time. 

Lastly I will be doing reactions for The Promised Neverland and Rising Shield Hero on a weekly basis. I may add one more currently running weekly anime to the list if I find one that interest me.

I know this is long and may seem like a lot but I am really enjoying doing these reactions and engaging with you guys. I will really try my hardest for you all becuase of the support you have shown me. Sorry if the channel is too much variety for you. This is what I want to do with the channel and I love how wide spread, different and diverse the community is. 

Well for now I think that's what was on my mind.

Thankss for taking the time to read this.

Much Love & Thanks For The Support 

Steven M.




I think it's a good idea to have variety. Plus you have to do things the way that makes you hsppy, overall. Otherwise you could lose interest and obstacles would be harder to push past.


Thanks for doing a schedule. I think the yes a decent audience out thereally for AOS and The Flash Reactions.


I get bored easily so have always lived my life with Variety. From Movies, TV, Video Games, Music and Books I always mix it up for myself. I cant stick to one thing. If I did I would lose interest and not be interested anymore. If that happened I would be bored during reactions or have to put up a fake reaction which I will never do becuase I wouldn't see the point.


Sorry for the typos. My phone's keyboard, combined with autocorrect is my excuse. Do you think you'd be into reacting to singing? Some people get huge views am subscribers from those. MAProductions is one I know of. The also do a variety of things.


Could you check out It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? In my opinion its the best comedy show ever made. You should check out the pilot.

Ari is my Cat

I see Dexter episode 3 on the schedule but not ep 2?


Yea it means that by that time next week I will have episode 3 up. So its kind for me to know what I want to record before that day next week. By next weds you should have episode 2 and 3 up on Patreon. Does that make sense? Sometimes I dont explain things well. What ill do is add the dates oin the schedule next time I put it up so you know when to expect episodes

Vicky N

Will the two weekly episodes of Buffy be released on the same day ?

Tammy L. Faulkner

I'm super confused... j can't find any anime, the Flash, AOS... am I just not looking in the right place?