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Yes! Great show. Lots of mysteries, lots of great characters, and some familiar faces will pop up in the future :-) Hope you continue !

Ari is my Cat

You missed the opening where she says the school is for the rich kids and the poor kids whos parents generally work for the rich kids parents. So you have the very rich and super poor with no inbetween.

Ari is my Cat

To clarify the kid at school made the bong, Veronica planted it in Logan's locker, the bong went into evidence and was rigged to make smoke. The fire department comes and the switch is made.

Ari is my Cat

FYI: The wizard. Go see the wizard to get courage. It's a Wizard of Oz reference.

Marshall Dante Robertson

I cant remember but did you try streaming it from Amazon Prime? Cause they have the series to purchase digitally, I watch it on my Xbox One.

Eric Haefele

I want to thank you for reacting to this. I know it's not realistic, but I love the cast and the cute/snappy dialogue, and the clever ways that Veronica solves her problems.