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Omg next ep though... 🤗


Buffy's clothes for fighting were a running joke. That said, part of the point was that she was super feminine and a bad-ass.

Ari is my Cat

Ingo Neuhaus played Daryl. He was 28 at the time and had been an Army Ranger.

Ari is my Cat

6 out of 10. It had cool moments. Good character development but a not well executed story.


Checked the actor's age. He's a year older than I am, which means he'd have been 28 at this point. Actually only one year older than Charisma Carpenter. (Who I just discovered is exactly one day older than me. Huh.)

Vicky N

Not a stellar episode. Nice character moments with Buffy and Angel, Giles and Jenny Calendar (we find out her first name in this episode). The monster of the week wasn’t Daryl, but Chris , and as you said we don’t get anything about his motivation.


Eh, it's a 6. Too tired to say anything more on it at the mo, might come back to it.