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I don’t know if you noticed but Rita (Dexters GF) is played my the same actress who played Darla in Buffy

Ari is my Cat

Dexter is a hard character to like at the start of things. He's a sociopath and thus makes very different choices than most of us would make. He does get proof of guilt before he kills though, like that one guy had a video of him killing the woman so that's as solid as it gets evidence wise.

Ari is my Cat

Point is sociopaths are hard to relate to. They either become serial killers, CEO's or politicians and no matter what they do it never makes much sense to the rest of us...

Amanda S

Hello :) Dexter 1x2 seems to be locked still in The 10 Count tier. Can't wait to rewatch more Dexter with you :D

Daniel R

I remember really liking this show when it first came out. I remember the concept being neat but I also remember the writing being very lazy in the first season where plot holes were painfully obvious and just things that don't make sense under scrutiny. I think Seasons 2 and 3 were my favorite. 4 was good too but I think its universally agreed upon that season 5 is the worst (idk if I watched past 5 lol)

Janet Daurity

Wrong! I love 5 and so do plenty of others. 6 is the worst, 7 great, 8 ok until the final episode


I actually love that the dad didn’t tell anyone instead he worked on helping dexter understand himself. As a parent you wouldn’t want your kid to be put in an asylum or prison for being sick or in this case not being and to feel emotion


I was wondering if he was a sociopath or a psychopath, which are two very different things, it seems that he is a sociopath from what I've seen, lack of emotion, manipulative, smart, he's not impulsive, and no need for sex relations even if I think he can have it, he will not experience it the same way as that we do. Anyway, it was my first time watching Dexter, pretty nice and accurate about the profile of the character that is a sociopath.


So so glad you fixed where this episode had expired on Dropbox. I was really disappointed when I first subscribed and realized most of the first episodes of this were no longer watchable. Thanks for keeping up with it 💙