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Ari is my Cat

I wont tell you who plays the Doctor after this but before this doctor there were these actors: 1. William Hartnell - 1963-1966 2. Patrick Troughton - 1966-1969 3. Jon Pertwee - 1970-1974 4. Tom Baker - 1974-1981 5. Peter Davison - 1981-1984 6. Colin Baker - 1984-1986 7. Sylvester McCoy - 1987-1989 8.Paul McGann - 1996 (TV movie) 9. Christopher Eccleston - 2005-what you are seeing now.

Ari is my Cat

Largely the first season you have to be more into the story than the FX. That said the next episode is pretty good. The only episode I thought was bad, really bad was aliens of London/World War Three, but even then it wasn't a bad story just didn't like the one running gag in the episode. Also to be fair to this episode it's aimed more at kids at this point but note that death has been a big part of both these first two episodes.


I've always wanted to watch Dr. Who, but I'm a completionist, so I feel like I have to start with the 1960s version and watch all the way through. That seems pretty overwhelming, so I never get into it :-(


Personally for me I found the story in this one to be fairly decent, plus all the other information we learned about. Also as far as the FX go this show came out in 2005, the graphics were actually above average especially for a tv show and especially one with as small a budget as it was given for season 1. Even by todays standards MOST of the FX are definitely passable with (IMO) most being good (there are definitely some that are duds particularly one of the creatures later on in the season (you will KNOW which one I am talking about when you see it)). And beyond that personally I find it very easy to look beyond the "Does this look real" part of the FX to what the they are supposed to convey for example in the episode the spinning blades did it look like christopher eccelston actaully walked between the blades of a spinning fan? no but that is CLEARLY what the fx were meant to convey. Also I feel like some of them are supposed to be stylized for example plastic mickey in the pilot, it obviously did not look like that to rose (and someone that new him the way she did would not have missed THAT) but it was meant to convey to the audience that this IS NOT mickey (we did not miss a scene of him escaping the bin). Could it have been more subtle, yes but does ruin the experience, absolutely not. Quality of the FX does NOT make or break the tv show (or movie) just like Graphics does not make or break a video game. I still play morrowind with vanilla graphics (google some screenshots for reference if you haven't played it) now I will freely admit that 20-25% of that is from nostalgia and the fact that playing with mods that the graphics feels so wrong I can almost physically feel it, but if a game came out today that had a description that intrigued me enough to try it out I would and it looked like vanilla morrowind I would 100% play it, if it after a short while of playing it had an update that allowed you to either leave the graphics as they were or update them to look more realistic I would absolutely go for it. Doctor Who is kinda like that it has FX that without a doubt make if absolutely work and time passes they just get better, but one thing that does help is that it has this atmosphere (might take a bit before you feel it) of being fantastical, strange and "grandiose" (not exactly the word I'm looking for but the best I can do) that allows it to get away with more "jarring" (for lack of a better word) FX than most things would be able to.


I'm definitely with you on your review of the episode. It has a lot of nostalgia for me, and I really love the doctor & rose dynamic, but other than charm and tidbits of information, there really isn't a lot here to work with. I hope you stick this show through, it's still my favourite show of all time, largely due to the phenomenal characterization and arcs the show goes through - that's where I get my enjoyment. :)


lol, why would he kill her?

Casey Mead

season 1 is my favourite as is Christopher Eccleston


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