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Ari is my Cat

"Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light" comes from a different urban legend and has nothing to do with the hookman which is why it feels out of place. Legend goes like this: College girl comes home to dorm room. It's dark and the lights are out. She goes to turn on the light but changes her mind because she hears something and thinks her roomate is fooling around with a boy so she goes to bed and tries to ignore it. She wakes up to find out her roommate was being murdered when she thought something else was going on and that message "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light" is written in the roomates blood on the wall. Basically saying if she had turned on the light the killer would have killed her too.


I don't care for this episode much. I do like the relationship between Sam and Dean. It's a lot of fun and the actor's do the bantering well. About Jared's acting. He does best when he's challenged, I think. But, another thing to consider is that Sam is Trying to sound sympathetic. Well, he is supposed to be the more sympathetic brother - or at least the one who's socially better at those things. But maybe Jared's doing better than we think by acting it as Sam trying to act sympathetic, but Sam is a bad actor so it doesn't do well? Well, I tried! lol I like MOTW episodes if they're good. This one wasn't very good. The lead actress didn't sell her part to me at all. And the pace or flow of the episode wasn't there for me either. Something just felt off. But it's still early and they're working out the kinks. The next episode is going to be interesting to see your Reaction to. I really don't like it, but some fans do. I don't know how many, but I hear that some do.


I forgot to comment on something. Sam and Dean may Look too old for college, but they aren't. They're just not frozen in that juvenile phase college seems to bring out in people. Sam is about 22 and Dean is 26. There are plenty of people in college at that age.