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Nick Velasquez

While Buffy was still trying to find its footing stylistically it would do typical lighting for normal scenes, but when it demons or vampires came to play they wanted more of a dark shadowy look. Toward the end of season two they get better at not doing it. Season 3 it’s pretty much gone completely.


I can’t wait until episode 3!


Gonna have to give me a few days. I will be doing a bunch of recording this weekend but with New Years coming up May take me a bit to get them up and processed.

Ari is my Cat

I like that they address the issue of Buffy dying and the PTSDish issues related to it. A lot of shows like this would just make it like everything is back to normal.

Ari is my Cat

I never really liked the Buffy/Angel thing as much as most did. However, unlike other shows, it makes sense since Buffy is powerful and would be attracted to someone closer to her power level.


For me this is still a 7/8 Better than season 1 for sure, but not great. I would say it is in the top fifty episodes (ranked 45th), but not top tier. The show has a slow build to quality. There are still some flops left as well...don't be discouraged, but a decent start for the season. I also hate that kid as did the majority of the fandom. There is a reason it is a child symbolically as Buffy is about growing up she is not going to be a child forever unlike certain demons/vampires who don't age/mature. I am really enjoying your reactions. Thank you.

Vicky N

Great start of the season. I won’t spoil anything but you’re in for a ride this season. One of the thing that I like about this show, is the care in the writing. Almost every scene is meaningful and deliberate. Somethings you notice only after numerous viewings. For example in this episode, the dream sequence when Giles apparently strangles Buffy and is revealed to be the Master, there’s a blink or you’ll miss it hint that we are in dream when Xander and Willow exchange snacks, each other eating the kind of food that they would not normally choose to eat. Xander choosing to eat an apple while Willow is eating some kind of candy bar. It’s something that you can appreciate only because we know those characters so well. And even if you don’t notice this kind of detail, the scene works anyway. Now that’s masterful writing.


Great episode ! A little trivia - Cibo Matto is/was a real band. At the time this episode was filmed, Sean Lennon (John Lennon and Yoko Ono's son) was in the band. He can be seen on stage in the Bronze playing the guitar (or maybe bass?) while the band is singing "Sugar Water" It's actually listed on his IMDB page. Also, if you watch the end credits after every episode, the very last thing you will see is the logo for "Mutant Enemy" which is Joss Whedon's production company. There is a little cartoon demon that goes across the screen saying "Grr...argh" Throughout the series, this little logo changes a few times, depending on what happens in the episode. It's a fun little easter egg if you are interested enough to watch to the very end of the credits after every episode. Also, there's a reference to it much later in the series which you wouldn't get if you never see the logo. It's not important or spoilery - it's just a fun little thing to watch for.


There's definitely a quantum leap here in character work... like they said, "Wow, we have a whole season and a little stability... let's stop messing around!"

Katherine Thoreson

Another fun thing to take note of is this season is they bring in composer Christophe Beck. They stop using canned music (after this episode because that sappy music at the end....) and have original scores written by Beck. It's just another thing that elevates the show to greater heights.


Great reaction! Yeah, Xander looked really awkward in that dance, he knew she was playing him. Poor Willow looking on. And Buffy’s “Don’t you wish I would? [thank you]” - So mean! Yup, the whole thing feels wrong and weird. Cibo Matto are a real 90’s band. A lot of the time, the bands playing at the Bronze were real life bands that were brought onto the show. A lot of them are pretty cool, a few I love. - though as far as I can remember my favourites aren’t for a few seasons yet. Cibo Matto do have a bit of an unusual sound that isn’t everyone’s cuppa tea. Yeah, Cordelia did get taken before, buy invisible Girl Marcie in Out of Mind, Out of Sight. I really like her scene challenging Buffy’s behaviour outside The Bronze. I really like that being a bitch - she has the guts to point out when someone else is being one, but in Buffy’s case, to her own friends - and even being concerned about it. I think that’s a good character layer. This episode is so good, eh. What’s a big improvement from season one is dealing with the consequences of things, the emotions and trauma. Remember in season 1 when you were talking about barely a reaction to Jesse’s death? That has always really bugged me, and is I think the worst failing of season one, more so than any hokey monsters of the week - that was just so off. He was their friend - we don’t know for how long, but even so , yeesh. This episode is such a step up from that, and the show improving in depth, drama, emotions, acting ability. Good stuff. Buffy torturing the vamp with cross in mouth was pretty dark! Your absolutely right about the cremating the bones. Pretty big oversight on Giles’ part - which is just pure plot device so that this episode can happen - well the getting some closure part anyways. I’d just say on Xander and Willow, that yes there is potentially something there - and maybe it goes in that direction eh? But also, Xander and Willow have been best friends since they were little kids - so there’s platonic love there already. The best clue they have given so far on how long they’ve been friends , was in episode 1x01 - when Willow jokes with Buffy at the Bronze that she and Xander ‘broke up’ when they were 5 because he stole her Barbie. I love how much you like this episode. Yeah, The Annoying One is damn annoying and cannot frickin act for toffee - I so can’t wait to see your reaction to his dusting, that I might upgrade my subscription! :D Can I wait 2-3 weeks for it? Lol. Well, also, more than that, wanna see your reaction to Spike. I think maybe the idea with having a child as a bad guy, is that a small child being an evil vamp is creepy. Well it SHOULD be - like in the film ‘Interview With A Vampire’. But the acting is SO bad, and SO bland, it doesn’t work at all, cos he doesn’t seem the slightest bit evil or threatening, or even DO anything. Yup , the fight choreography was better, and Buffy taking out all those vamps was badass. Angel actually got to fight properly. On the lighting - I had a paragraph but I've cut it, cos it's put better above, lol. OMG, another long one! All your questions and comments make me think of so much.


Thanks for the review and thoughts. Always love reading the insight from all of you guys and gals.