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Ari is my Cat

Fun fact Billie Piper was a British pop star before this.

Ari is my Cat

The Doctor doesn't stick around to explain the aftermath. Shit happens and the rest of the worlds just have to figure it out or not on their own.

Nick Velasquez

Doctor Who had actually been canceled in the 80’s. It tried to make a comeback with a made for TV movie in the 90’s, but that didn’t take off. This episode was its successful return to tv. And funny story Buffy The Vampire Slayer was what inspired show runner, Russell T. Davies’, take on the series.


hello, I loved your reaction to Doctor Who. The TARDIS was fixed by the sixth Doctor Colin Baker 1984-1986 Attack of the Cybermen it became an Organ a Vanity closet but then the Doctor had to bust it again. as you go back in time yes you get less quality visuals but real good stories. all Dalek stories are as good as today's following your steady viewing of where you are here you should get a lot of good stories, and more on the time war. This Doctor Who started in 1963 with William Hartnell who after three seasons his health was bad so he regenerated in to Patrich Troughton 1966-1969 in 1970-1974 it was Jon Pertwee after that Tom Baker 1974-1981 we have Peter Davision 1982-1984 and Colin Baker 1984-1989, Sylvester McCoy 1987-1989 The Movie came in 5/12/1996 and "Rose" 1996 and there you are. Cool.


I’ve watched Doctor Who since the 70s with Tom Baker. It used to come on PBS after I got home from school. Love the original and love the reboot.


Me to but I had Two Public Broadcasting Channels and gave money to keep it on the air. Later I would buy book's VHS Audio Cassettes of Macra Terror, Evil of the Daleks, and The Smugglers. Doing artwork from my imaginations of what wen't on in my head. Other Doctor Who shows from 1970 with Jon Pertwee as the Doctor continue this story or rather start this story are Spearhead from space, and Terror of the Autons.


Wow, so much knowledge and facts. Glad you like my reaction especially since I'm so new to it or anything like it


It was cool to watch someone see Dr Who for the first time, who is not a Brit and therefore knew very little about it - whether the Doctor is an alien or not, what the Tardis is, time travel. Although you guessed as Rose was circling the Tardis that it was bigger inside, it was nice to see that surprise on your face when you saw how big. :D In the UK, Dr Who has become such an iconic part of the culture, everyone knows about it unless you're a hermit whose lived in a hut in the Outer Hebrides ( remote Scottish islands) since 1963. Even for kids in 2005, most would've learn or absorbed something from their parents, and cultural saturation, I reckon. I can't remember what happens in season 11x01, must go check it out - but I'm guessing it must have been an episode without the Tardis. You were aware though that when the Doctor 'dies' he changes - not surprising as you must be aware it's not the same actor since 1963, lol. It's a very convenient concept for a long running show - but it's not quite how you think it is. You'll learn more of course as you watch more. The seasons of Dr Who that start from 2005 are called New Who. The originals from 1963-1989 ( and the 1996 film) are called Classic Who. Like others who've commented here, my Doctor as a kid was Tom Baker in the 70s. I also watched into the early 80s with Peter Davidson, and some repeats (reruns) of the Jon Pertwee era episodes. I have loved the New Who series since 2005. Some classic fans might not like this, and many won't agree - but I do prefer the New Who era. I think it is more complex and adult when it comes to character development and interpersonal relationships, and so appeals to both adults and kids alike more. I mean I loved it as a kid, but as a teenager felt I grew out of it - though party I wasn't keen on Doctors no 6 & 7 in the 80s. I still love Classic Who in a nostalgic way - Tom baker was awesome. I also like what I've seen of Patrick Troughton. I sometimes want to go back and watch the old Dr Who, but there is so much to watch, and it would cost a fortune buying all the episodes. ( Not available to stream). Dunno if anyone has told you yet - but it's actually impossible to watch all episodes of Dr Who from 1963 on. There were a lot of episodes from the 60s ( mostly Patrick Troughton's era) that went missing - and many that the BBC taped over !! In later years, some lost episodes were rediscovered in the storage of a tv companies in Nigeria, Canada and elsewhere. This is just some basic knowledge though - I do not have all the encyclopedic knowledge about episodes and arcs, and plots, and aliens/creatures etc that full on Whovians have - the big fans that are really into the whole of Dr Who, can be compared to Trekkies I think is a good comparison.


Btw, on this episode - I always thought it was weird that the shop dummies suddenly had concealed guns built into their hands. I mean , the Nestene Consiousness can control plastic - and we saw metal there. How can it control that? Now, if they were firing plastic bullets that just linda morphed outta the plastic, that would've worked for me. I also felt the same when I saw it, about Rose not seeing that Mickey was different. Those are the parts I'm picky on in the episode, but I do remember loving the new Doctor and Rose. I also rather liked the use of the Millenium Wheel in the story - I found it quite amusing in 2005. It was only built and opened in 2000 ( hence the name) and was therefore still very much a novelty on the London skyline.