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Howdy ladies and gentlemen. So I'm always looking at ways I can improve the experience for those of you who support me on Patreon as well as those that watch on YouTube.

I have looked at other creators and what they offer and I want to make sure I offer the best I can. I feel someone can always improve.

I know most of you will say just give me more of show A or Show B etc.. but the way I do things I record them and give you for most shows several episodes ahead on patreon before YouTube gets it. On YouTube I have even started doing Back to Back Episodes and trying to give a better more consistent schedule.

I guess this is more asking how can I make it better. What can I do that will make it a more fun experience for you? 

This could be something I'm not doing on the channel or something you feel would make it better. 

I would just like to know what suggestions you have and what you want to see done better.

Please be honest, I just want to hear from you. 

What Patreon perks would make it worth it for you beyond what I do now.


Ari is my Cat

I don't know, I just log in and see if any of the people I'm subscribed to have posted anything that I watch. I literally spend no time thinking about it beyond that.


I think your setup and format is great, but I'm just here for Buffy (and Angel !). I know other reactors will have a special tier set up where the subscribers can pick a show for them to watch and react to each month. Or maybe take suggestions for a show to watch and let us all vote once a month. That would be fun. I'd like to suggest some shows :-)