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FYI the Slayer can only be female. “Into every generation a slayer is born: one girl in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will wield the strength and skill to fight the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness; to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their number. She is the Slayer.”


Oh damn. I never caught the first she in the intro. Damn so my Angel theory is wrong.


Hey, someone gave the Episode a 10. I'm just curious and would love to hear your reason for the 10? No hate or negativity just wouod love to hear what you loved about episode. It's all about opinions and conversation.


I'm enjoying seeing the ratings. Rating these early episodes is tough for me, because I’d rate them very differently depending on if I rate them according to my initial assessment when I first saw them [average of 5], my enjoyment rewatching them now for the nth time [8], or judging them comparatively to future Buffy episodes [average of 3]. I’ve been voting based on some weird mixture but I think the difference between the three scores gives a good sense of how much it varies depending on the criteria. Example this episode I rated a 6. First time rating 5, rewatch rating 7, comparative to future rating 3.

Karissa Edie

This one’s a 6 for me. I like the fact that they were willing to kill a character off so early. It has some good moments, but I think the show was still trying to figure out how to execute ideas at this point. I have heard some people say this is the worst episode of the show. I don’t really get that. It’s not the best by any stretch, but I enjoy enough of it to rewatch it once in a while.

Vicky N

I agree with your analysis and score. It’s a high 6 for me too.

Cory Stanish

I haven't watched this one in a while, and honestly it's better than I remember. I was remembering it as like a 4, but I gave it a 6 this time. Every episode has stuff that works and stuff that doesn't. The fun part of the Buffy experience is watching the parts that work slowly gang up on the parts that don't and become the dominant force.

Cory Stanish

FUN FACT: Joss Whedon lists this as one of his favorite episodes.


Okay, so I do like this one. It's not as good as "Witch," but I like it, if for no other reason than that it set the stakes in episode 6: they ate the principal.

Ari is my Cat

Only a handful of episodes in season 1 are really good but they lay a foundation for the main corp group. I liked the Arc for this season with the Master. The fight choreography gets better each season but I think it's the witty bantery sarcastic snarky dialogue that makes me love this show.

Ari is my Cat

Just a why they turned on Lance. Buffy is not seen by them as weak and Hyenas prefer to go after the weak not the strong. It's like they had a choice between going after a lion or zebra. They avoid the lion.


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I’m having the same issues. I would’ve rated it low at my first watch but (as with many episodes) the more I’ve re-watched on my own and re-watched it with commentary/analysis from some really good reactors, the more I love episodes that were kinda’ meh for me before. And the same issues with judging it against the entire series.


What I like about this episode is the social commentary aspect. Also it demonstrates where this show is prepared to go.

Megan Saunders

One of the things I like about this show is that there's no way to know which characters will be safe. After all, we had seen Principal Flutie in at least three episodes before this, and then he was unexpectedly killed. Even recurring characters aren't necessarily safe in this show.