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Buffy 1x4.mp4

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Definitely not a favorite of mine either.

Cory Stanish

The TV frame isn't bad. The old-school 4:3 framing of the shots looks right at home on and old TV. Also, be aware that everything after season 2 will be less grainy - starting with season 3 they upgraded the film stock they were shooting on from 16mm to 32mm.

Cory Stanish

I'm not sure if it's a favorite episode of anybody's, but on the other hand it won't be forgotten.

Cory Stanish

No need to apologize for not loving this episode. Your critique was accurate, it's not a highlight. For me, the saving grace of even the worst Buffy episodes is the characters. Even when the story is a stinker, the characters are still fun to watch. FUN FACT: The mantis monster puppet was not created for this show; they re-used a prop from a 1994 episode of Babylon 5 <a href="http://www.foreign-worlds.de/dateien/babylon5/b5s1e2/027.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.foreign-worlds.de/dateien/babylon5/b5s1e2/027.jpg</a>

Heather Flores-Ricks

really just the 12 episodes of season 1 are this way. Power through it! I believe in you!


Believe it or not, there are ppl out there who think it's a highlight as weird as it seems. I was at a Forbidden Planet signing way back in 01. As S5 had just ended, the topic of everyone's favourite season came up and this one guy said S1. What was funnier was the answer he gave for what he thought was the worst episode.


Oh wow really. Well that scares me. Someone felt this was the best season. Did he stop watching after season 1

Nick Velasquez

Not to worry, not many people love this one. I will say though, I wouldn’t say Angel’s week because Buffy faced something he couldn’t. She does have all that slayer strength.


yeah, I give it a 4 too! You know by now from youtube of course that most fans consider this one of the worst. I think what makes the preying mantis a bit ridiculous is the way it moves, done poorly. And sexually predatory teacher with teenage boys - ick! There are good moments and character interaction with Buffy every episode though - like Dr Gregory's with Buffy. The ratings I'd give on here to any episode, are me comparing it my head to all other Buffy eps, hence the low one for this.