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buffy 1x2.mp4

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Cory Stanish

I promised fun facts with each episode back in YouTube comments, so... You were talking about whether Jesse was in the opening credits, and actually he was: Joss Whedon insisted on having him in the opening credits just to lull viewers into a false sense of security over whether he would die. He had to fight for it, because it cost a surprising amount of money to edit a second version of the opening credits for just two episodes.

Cory Stanish

Also, Buffy is definitely a monster of the week show, but there are also story arcs that cover the entire season. So yeah Monster of the Week, yes, but the main story is going to get touched on regularly and it's always leading to something. The other thing about this show is that it's VERY character-driven. Even in the episodes that people would describe as "filler," because they don't contribute much to the overarching story line, you're always learning important stuff about the characters and the events of those episodes are called back to in future episodes.


I think the reason so many people are reluctant to watch it initially is the whole MofW thing. I've lost count of hearing ppl say 'Isn't it that cheesy show from back in the old days?' I always say the same thing back - 'Watch a few episodes and if you still don't like it fair enough.' I don't think one person so far has thrown in the towel and by the end they became a fan as well.


heya. I just found your Buffy reaction vids over on youtube today. Came straight here for the free full reaction to this episode, then watched up to 1x06 back on youtube. I decided to subscribe to the Buffy Tier to watch your full reaction to Angel (1x07) , and this was cinched by seeing that School Hard (2x03) has just gone up. On your comment on here about the black bouncer at the club (The Bronze) - “ oh no, black dude’s first to go. ….they’re really gonna kill of the black guy ?”. Um yeah, unfortunately this is one of the biggest weaknesses of the show, and one of Joss’s biggest failings - really not good on race and representation. The show is far too white. There are some awesome black characters in the show that I love, but representation is scarce and problematic. It’s hard to say more of course without spoilering. Some might consider this comment too spoilery in itself, but hopefully you’re fine with a generalised comment on race representation. Joss seems to have been pretty blinkered to his white priviledge and the impact on the world he creates. For example, Sunndydale is in southern California, so there should be a sizeable Latinx population, but it’s just not there. Charisma Carpenter who plays Cordelia, is actually Latina, yet there’s never a hint of this and her character is arguably portrayed as a WASP, pretty whitewashing. I really hope this doesn’t put you off watching the show. it’s flawed as most media is, and I had major issues with queer representation back when it was airing, that straight cis people keep telling me that nobody noticed or cared about until now. ( Grr!) I am a majorly obsessive fan of the show though, I love it to bits even so. It seems that Joss is a bit more aware of his failings on race in this and his other shows, as there are plans for a more diverse representation in the new planned slayer show. It’s not really a reboot as the media called it, but a sequel. PLEASE don’t go looking for any articles about what the so-called ‘reboot’ is about, since they are majorly spoilery for Buffy, especially the finale of the show, being a sequel. That bouncer at the bronze really did have some awesome pecs, very built. I think that ‘in universe’ the vamps had good reason to take him out first - kill the strongest looking human there first, good fear tactic that establishes how strong and intimidating the vamps are - but yeah very poor decision when looking at on screen race representation and fridging. Not something I noticed first 1-2 views of the show around - boy was I unaware of my white privilege back then! On the issue of strength - in the early seasons, the depiction of Buffy’s strength is inconsistent, but she does actually have super strength. Vampires in the Buffyverse are much stronger than humans, and Buffy is stronger than vamps. I think that I saw someone comment on youtube, that Buffy’s mistakes early on are due to lack of experience rather than lack of powers. And the show finding it’s footing IMHO. gah ! Is this too spoilery? I’ve seen similar ( though shorter!) types of comments on youtube, but you seem ok with them. On Joss’s brother Jed Whedon ( can’t remember if your question on this was in this episode or the 1st one?), he was not involved in BTVS at all ( Buffy The Vampire Slayer), no writing directing or producing. Whereas on Agents of Shield that you mention, he actually has far more involvement than Joss, who I believe only wrote the pilot, and even as an executive producer was quite removed from it. You can tell, I think that AOS doesn’t have that much feel of a Joss show, only a bit. I wanna get back to AOS. I was really enjoying season 2. But then couldn’t afford to pay for any more seasons, as it’s not available on any streaming service in the UK. Got WAY behind and so much to catch up on now! OK - that was bloody long! oops, I did it again - I can get way into long comments at times!


Wow, thanks for the review/information. I'm sure I wont remember it all but I read it and see what you mean. I understand times mattered and different times are approached differently.

Daniel R

"The Earth is doomed."