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Barbas the demon of fear was in S1 where he nearly drowned Prue, and then in S2 the miss Hellfire episode where Prue pretended to be the assassin and Barbas tried to use her to kill the sisters. XD I guess fans really loved him as he keeps making appearances, I hate him lol


I think it's silly to blame the sisters or Phoebe or Cole in this episode..Barbas can literally control ppls minds. Your annoyance towards Phoebe is understandable, I'm just waiting for this cringe arc to be over.. Yes Phoebe was traumatised and wants to move on, but writers completely removed her ability to think rationally. Cole wants to be good, she doesn't need to get back together with him, but she should actively try to find ways to just leave him as a harmless human. I remember s1 episode where Prue saved a warlock that turned himself into a priest, she knew him for like a day and still risked so much just to let him live his life as a good man instead of vanquishing him. I think here the sisters aren't trying hard enough, surely they can find a way, if not for Cole, then at least for all the innocents around him


it's interesting when that other demon said that Barbas was already working on them for weeks. Like it would explain Phoebe's change in attitude towards Cole, cuz in ep 1 and 2 of this season she says she still loves him, but needs space from it all. But then in episode 3 she is ready to kill him from jump, I honestly believe Barbas started his scheme from this episode on.