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The last episode was essentially a pilot for a spin off show called ravenswood that stars Caleb and the Miranda girl. There was also a break between this episode and the last episode which is why they’re acting like more time has passed than it really has been. They keep the information with Caleb vague when he comes back to pretty little liars so people will watch the spin off show. I agree it’s annoying.

Michel Stephany Garces

Basically, Caleb's character has a spinoff called "Ravenswood", it was canceled after its first season because it wasn't great lol, and because it was canceled so suddenly it did not have a proper conclusion. To give you a brief idea of what goes on with him, yes it has to do with his picture and name being in that grave, his family and Miranda's family were connected somehow, there is also some type of curse placed on him and the whole Ravenswood town and they have to work together along other people to get rid of it. I think they handled this transition from PLL to this new spinoff horribly, they tried to entice people to go watch it by keeping it super vague/mysterious and that didn't work nor made any sense at all. Long story short, he will be back but yes like the previous commenter said, it's annoying and confusing. Now to focus on the whole Aria and Ezra, I don't like them together and now after we as an audience finding out this whole secret identity he has going on, it makes their whole interaction a lot more ICKY. Either way, I don't think Aria and Jake ever made it "official" so that's why we don't see any conversations being had or it being really considered cheating, even if it is kinda messy. On the Radley situation with Spencer & Toby, that story would keep going and you will find out why Spencer's father wants to be involved in closing it down as well. Not to going to spoil anything but I am excited to see your reaction to it because LOL you have not seen crazy yet. (i have noticed you don't always see these comments but I hope you get to see this before the next episode so you are not too confused).