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Ally D.

I think this show is brilliant. It really goes into the complexities of mental health problems and I love that it paints both Donny and Martha as having good and bad qualities. I thought the scene with his parents was powerful. And the statement with his dad. “Would you think less of me as a man?” Seems like Richard is doing pretty good these days. There is an extra (maybe like 10 min) of behind the scenes of Richard talking that is on Netflix you can watch, which was kind of illuminating. It tells the sheer mass of the number of emails. I think it was 41,000?! I think the actress who played Martha literally was INCREDIBLE. She nailed the complexities of a woman she never even met. In an interview, she said that while she was filming, she had never listened to anything that the real stalker sent to Richard, because she wanted to just rely on Richard’s script.