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it's not just you. brandon/callie was my least favorite storyline o this show. i had zero interest in anything happening between them. all the kid characters in this show are, well, kids - so they all make silly choices from time to time and can be kind of frustrating. keeping this vague and confined to my season 1 thoughts: i also --strongly-- disliked brandon at this point and thought he was boring --at best--. callie frustrated me a lot in season 1, but i could at least understand why she had a chip on her shoulder and i didn't actively dislike her - i just found the other (non-brandon) characters more interesting.

Erin McKeon

ngl i had a huge crush on the actor but HATED the character. everybody else in the show is why i watched tho. but he was def the MOST annoying also hated brandon and callie

emily ღ

i never minded brandon and callie. they're teenagers each with their own baggage and callie with her trauma. it's just part of the drama of the show. i'm rewatching one tree hill right now and the lucas/peyton/brooke stuff is super annoying too. i think messy drama storylines like this were just par the course for tv shows of this time lol