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emily and lorelai’s relationship is so complex. lorelai definitely has her guard up with her mom because she’s scared of being vulnerable and getting hurt. i loved when they were bonding later in the episode, though. it’s important to remember how many wounds there are there


Agree that Lorelai was a bit childish but like others have said and Lorelai has said herself, it’s hard for Lorelai to let her guard down because of how harsh Emily can be with her. Yes, it’s great that Emily was trying but when she does try, she always has to have it happen in her own way. If emily was taking Lorelai’s feelings into consideration she could’ve planned some treatments together and some apart so they could both be happy. Just like you said that Lorelai needs to accept Emily for who she is, Emily also needs to accept Lorelai for who she is. Anytime Emily is pushed outside of her comfort zone of what she feels is “appropriate” she lashes out and pushes Lorelai away, like she did at the bar. And then Lorelai has to be the bigger person and make everything better when it’s really Emily with the issue. It shouldn’t be completely on Lorelai to compromise to make things better with her parents.