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I was hoping you would eventually grow to like Annabeth but you don't believe that Percy and Annabeth can become so close and become really good friends. This relationship is very very important in the book series lol. I'm not saying anything else but I guess you might not enjoy the series later on if you don't believe it.

Kristal Whalen

So a war between Zeus and Poseidon would have all the main gods and minor gods and Demi gods picking sides. If you want to watch the movies and granted most of the plot is changed and the characters are aged up, you can watch the first one after season 1. The second one is complete garbage and it ruins things for season 2-5 (if the show runs that long). There was supposed to be 4/5 movies and when they realized they weren’t going to get 5 movies they condensed 4 books into one. So whatever you did decide DONT!! Watch the second movie. Percy and Annabeth’s friendship in the books is great but the books have a lot of small things not important enough to be included in the show that builds it, but I do see how they can become friends in the show with them having to survive together to complete the quest. Which each episode we see them learn something new about the other, bonding.


I feel like even if you haven’t read the book series, you can understand how Percy and Annabeth would bond so quickly. They’ve been through a lot in a a really short amount of time which I think forces you to bond. Not gonna lie, Annabeth is one of my fav characters so don’t love the Annabeth hate lol. It’s great to see how knowing Percy has begun to change her for the better :)