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Supernatural Question

  • Do All The Episodes For Seasons 13,14,15 44
  • Do Just The Best and Important episodes 146
  • 2024-06-05
  • 190 votes
{'title': 'Supernatural Question', 'choices': [{'text': 'Do All The Episodes For Seasons 13,14,15', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'Do Just The Best and Important episodes ', 'votes': 146}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 5, 19, 25, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 190}


So Supernatural has been a slog over the last 2 or 3 seasons and I have not been having fun with this season and think I am really wanting to just do the best episodes of the last 3 seasons.

Its not a show I look forward to anymore but I would like to finish the story.


Lexsi (canyonlwt28)

i mean you’ve made it that far just finish it. you’re almost done

Captain Qwark

I mean just finish it at this point, you will miss so much if you just do moments and best episodes

Fiyin Cole

I’d say do best/important episodes. It wouldn’t be fun watching u react to the rest of the show if you clearly don’t even enjoy it anymore. Just like with Gossip girl. I kinda wish we got the option of doing the best episodes as well for Gossip girl tho.


I never fully watched the last season either. If you’re really that interested after watching the biggest moments you can go back


i couldn’t make it past season 8, so you’ve done a great job lol

emily ღ

at first i voted to just finish it out. you've come so far and it'd be a shame to quit now. that being said, i had to change my vote. i also just don't think it's worth it to stick it out. i myself gave up on it and it feels much like TWD in that they just don't know when to throw in the towel. it's a shame because you've watched for so long but i think that's how much of the fandom felt at the time too. it just gets to a point where it's not really worth dragging yourself through it. i say let's just do the best episodes and get it done with it and we can all move on to something new.


Maybe you can finish out this season since you’re already in it and then do a poll/post asking for the best eps of the last two seasons? I feel like that might be a good idea so you’re not just cutting off in the middle of a story arc. But if you’re totally miserable I wouldn’t want you to force it!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Ideally, it's best to stick out the next 2.5 seasons cuz you're literally SO close to the finish line...but if you're really not enjoying it, 2nd best option would be to stick out s13 and just do best/important/FUNNY episodes for s14 and s15.


Why don't you watch the whole show on your own but only react to the important episodes? Plus while I can't say it gets amazing, it does get a little bit better later on


Watching episodes weekly he still has episodes left to watch for another year. That’s a long time if he isn’t enjoying it.

Leonard Atkins jr

I don’t even watch supernatural I just want it to be over so something else can fill this slot.

john segun doe

yh if you aren't enjoying it Id say the best route is to watch the best eps of the rest of the seasons along with the series finale (possibly a lil before the finale for a little bit of context) cuz there's technically like 51 eps left. Hate watching all that would be a drag for all of us (you included). But I'd say maybe watch a couple of more eps if you truly truly wanna stop then go for plan B.

Leonard Atkins jr

He stopped the 100 with 12 eps left in the final season. He has no problem ending any show at any point. Lol

emily ღ

oh dang that really puts it into perspective! yeah i don't wanna do that to him lol

Sherry Garcia

I agree that no one wants you to be miserable watching a show. I do think that you should finish the season because some of those important moments / best episodes are coming up in it soon.The thing about only watching best/important episodes though is like someone else said you would miss a lot of other things that may make them less without context and also there have been quite a few episodes over the seasons I thought you would enjoy more or less than you actually did. That can be tricky.Seriously though, go at least a few more episodes because are some things coming pretty much everyone who did stay with the show this long don't want you to miss