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Chasity Fortson

As a queer person myself, I would wait for Nick to make that decision if I was Charlie or in that situation. I know Nick already came out to some people at the party, but I would still wait for Nick to want to say something himself to other people like the people in the comments. He only came out to the people at the party. To everyone else that was on the trip but not at the party, it could've just been a rumor they heard. People should have their own moments to come out, and for others to respect that and not out someone just because other people believe they're gay if that makes sense.

Chasity Fortson

Btw, I loved your message at the end. One thing I always hated is how a lot of straight people act around gay people, like finding out their sexuality or what they do in their private lives is some kind of game to them. A lot of non-queer people are very invasive with the questions and comments and it's extremely uncomfortable, I had to go through the same thing with my family and friends. It was so bad, I had to cut a lot of them out of my life. I just find it strange because so many straight people always say that gay people force their sexualities onto them, but they're constantly trying to push people out the closet when gay people don't actually come out. It's so weird. Sorry, rant over now lol. But great reaction!!