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john segun doe

yh ngl Chloe & Ollie were the best part of this season. But Season 10 is def better. Good wrap up season for the series, plz dont miss it

bellemonet M

To me season 4 was good. It has some great episodes. I think people lost the overall storyline because the witch section was badly played and once again Clark's ignorance, but all the characters storylines are intertwined with each other. But this season is only bearable because Chloe and Oliver.

john segun doe

Same I also liked season 4 with the stones of power arch along with alot of the shows top tier episodes were in that season.

Isaiah McCalister

This season isn’t bad, you just hate Tess and get irrational whenever she’s on the screen. She didn’t even do anything to hate her, you just said she sucked once she was apart of Lana’s story and never let it go.