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Sherry Garcia

While I agree that if you have kids and are dating you probably wouldn't tell the kids right away every time you date someone new I think there is one big difference that makes this more understandable. This is supposed to be the first date Danny has been on since his wife died. I understand that he feels the girls have a right to know he is making this decision to start dating again. I don't think the intention is to do this every time he goes on a date with someone new but since this is a big step as the FIRST time I get it.I also feel like if the girls had no clue he was dating again and then out of no where hey this is so and so and we've been dating for however long and its getting serious.....I feel like that would be SOOO much harder on especially DJ

emily ღ

yes!!! i love how danny takes the girls into consideration and does his best to keep communication open between them especially in regards to something so huge like this. like you said, that's so important especially for DJ. it'd be so much worse if he just sprung it on them out of nowhere

Raquel Perodin

I think the point is Dani is just introducing the idea of him dating again. Not telling them every time. It’s an important topic to discuss before the first time. I’m sure as the show goes on he’s not telling them every time.