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emily ღ

lorelai should not have come to rory with the financial problems in the first place. of course rory is going to want to do anything she can to help when her mom is scaring her about their living situation. a lot of issue i have with lorelai is she puts her own mess ahead of rory. i can understand if it was just her living alone and letting the house fall apart around her instead of going to her parents. but she has a child!! another person she's responsible for raising in a safe, roof-over-the-head environment. and then to put the pressure of things on your teenage daughter. she raises rory so much more like a friend than a child, including putting her relationship and financial issues onto rory's shoulders and that's too much for a teen to take on. i feel like lorelai wants rory to be her BFF she can share these things with. a BFF might try to help but would also be mature enough to know when a person just needs to vent and doesn't necessarily want help or outside opinions. but rory is still a child. she sees her mom is upset and immediately wants to help any way she can. i think it's issues like this episode that really draw to light some of the issues in rory and lorelai's dynamic overall.


i really respect your opinion, but i respectfully disagree. lorelai’s foot literally fell through their porch. rory and lorelai lived in a potting shed at the independence inn until lorelai earned enough money to buy a house. how in the world could she hide her financial problems from rory? i think it would be way more problematic for lorelai to lie to her face than to be transparent with her about the situation when she asks. that’s not an effective way to build trust between mother and daughter. the very fact that she had her at 16 and then became financially independent at that age means that their dynamic would not be that of a traditional family. despite that, lorelai never let the issues in her life come at rory’s expense. like she said in this episode, lorelai provided rory with everything she could possibly need as a child—a mother who loves her unconditionally, warm clothes, delicious food, and surrounded her with a town full of people who love her. she continually put rory’s needs before her own, and that’s her role as her mother. rory had literally no evidence to back her up on believing that lorelai wouldn’t solve this by herself, because everything else, with the exception of paying for chilton (another example of putting rory before herself) she was able to do without the help of her parents. rory needed to give her more of a chance. it’s important to remember that, when lorelai was rory’s age, she was so much more burdened than rory is with an infant daughter to take care of. rory has led a completely sheltered life, and that’s okay at this point, because that’s what lorelai wants for her. her childhood was without any worries even though she wasn’t living in richard and emily’s house. rory’s character began to go downhill the more she got involved in that world and leaned away from lorelai’s. like i said, lorelai is a teen mother. in many ways, she’s growing up with rory. their age gap is too close to change that. the fact that they are only 16 years apart makes it difficult for lorelai and rory to foster anything other than a “BFF” dynamic between them. i’m sorry this is like ten pages long lol i’ve just seen this take several times and i wanted to add my two cents

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Rory has a VERY different view of her grandparents than Lorelai does, and that's because Richard & Emily would do anything for Rory without conditions but they'd DEFINITELY put conditions on any "favour" they do for Lorelai. She's had 34 years of evidence for this. Emily immediately putting on a big smile and saying "oh btw I'm gonna be hosting blahblahblah at the inn from now on" just proves to me that she knew Lorelai would react the way she did and if Emily just PRETENDED to be hurt, she could get away with the inn thing. She had that payback locked and loaded. It always irks me that Rory can't see the way Richard and Emily treat Lorelai. They're super sweet with her but surely she has eyes and that big brain everyone's always bragging about. She can see the toxicity. But, then again, Rory was raised super sheltered. Lorelai was right to be angry with her because, as she said, in Rory's whole life, she had never been deprived of what she wanted and needed. Lorelai worked HARD to provide for her. She had no evidence Lorelai wouldn't do the same now. Rory wanted a quick and easy fix because, unlike Lorelai, she never had to do the "hard thing".