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YESSS, ARCHER!!! To answer some questions, Archer does have an overarching story/lore, but it presents itself more in later seasons. For the most part, especially in the earlier seasons, there is pretty much one story per episode (with a few exceptions). The story is linear, so any changes that happened previously (including relationships, major events, etc.) will continue through the next episodes. It's not like SpongeBob, where you can watch episodes out of order and still be fine cause nothing really holds any consequence. Now, when it comes to the animation style, it's 100% a creative choice. The one major thing I noticed in the first season is the movements are pretty choppy, but starting next season, you'll see a significant improvement in the fluidity of the animation.

emily ღ

also i remember way back when you said you weren't a fan of shows with bad main characters and that's why you won't do it's always sunny. but i love that you're giving archer a chance and seem to be enjoying it. the first two episodes have made for some very fun reactions. i'm looking forward to you hopefully continuing on with it