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It's bizarre dissection like that is a thing in many places for schools. It's very rare here, and generally only on parts that come from what is already killed for other reasons when it does happen. And even that is fading. The guy was 23 - when the role will have nothing actually crazy like sticking your tongue in each others mouth, or partially clothed in bed or whatever, it can be easier to get an actual actor for small roles like this than to find a child actor, get them cleared for the role, and all the rest involved. It's just acting in the end.

emily ღ

its so weird! in middle school we dissected a squid. in high school, a "fetal pig" that literally made me sick to have to do. idk why they made us do that. there's computer programs where you can do it virtually and we had those back in the early 2000s too so idk why they made us cut open dead things, especially baby unborn piglets!! it's wild


its weird to me cause we never had to do dissecting? I assume this was in biology class and it was never even mentioned.