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ingrid vedeld

Jennifer Love Hewitt is so underrated!! She acted her ass off in this episode.


This is such a rough episode. Poor Maddie shouldn't have had to go through any of what Doug put her through. He really sucks and I am so glad he's dead. When watching Maddie kill Doug, I always have such mixed feelings on it all. Part of me is so glad she did it herself, ya know? That she was able to save herself and that she had that strength. The other part of me knows no one should EVER have to do that. That part of me wishes so badly that somehow someone could've found her sooner and Doug could've been arrested and that she wouldn't have to go through that extra trauma of having to kill him to save herself. (Though him getting arrested would've of course meant a trial where she would've had to face him and relive all that trauma again, which would also suck so bad...) I love the way Buck was instantly ready to do anything to find Maddie. Him stealing Chimney's phone from right under everyone's noses will always be hilarious to me, and I just know that when Chim heard the story he was just disappointed in how quickly he was caught. But the way Athena was so quick to step in and take him to go find her, and how Josh and Sue were also willing to break the rules to help. All of them just doing whatever it took to find her. And I love that Detective Marx barely even questioned it all. He just accepted that of course Buck and Athena are off looking for her too, of course they're totally involved in the investigation, of course Josh and Sue have information that no one is telling anyone how they got it. Buck talking to Eddie about how the Police have all these rules they have to follow and that they don't apply to him as if he's not talking about THE LAW! 😭 And yeah, Bobby giving Buck that list of rules as he and Athena are leaving was SO Dad like. Bobby IS his Dad... And Athena has stepped in as Mum... (Speaking of, I love that both Bobby and Athena were at Maddie's place with Buck at the start there. It wasn't Athena's case, both were just there for him and because it was Maddie and I just love this family so much! Every single one of them!!!) I'm SO glad no one blamed Chim for what happened though. Like, I feel like it would've been so easy, especially in the heat of the moment. But there was none of that. Only Chim blames himself and Hen made sure to tell him it wasn't his fault. I just love that when it's mentioned at the Call centre that Chim had had contact with Doug, Buck was SO quick to say he didn't know it was him. Like, obviously Chim never would've hung out with him if he'd known who he was, and everyone knows that really, but it's just the quickness of how he came to his defence even though no one was accusing him of anything, ya know? I'm just glad there wasn't unnecessary drama added to it by having that be an added conflict. Because we all know it wasn't Chimney's fault at all. Doug just sucks. I can't even imagine how terrifying it must be for women in Maddie's situation though. I'm lucky, I've never been in any situation anything like it. But I know how common it is and it must just be AWFUL! It's so hard to watch without having been through it, I can't even imagine how hard it must be for those who have been through anything even remotely similar... Every single one of these actors are always amazing, and they were all AMAZING this episode. But Jennifer. Wow. She really is just so great! Having to act in scenes like that, and with your husband of all people, would be so intense. I know that she asked for it to be her husband because he was the only person she trusted enough for it, but there must also be something even scarier about it being your husband of all people that you're portraying an abusive marriage with. And respect to Brian for it too. Obviously most people can separate fiction from real life, but there are those who can't and so anyone who played that character would be open to a lot of hate due to it, but actually being married to the other person in that fictional marriage in real life would likely make it worse. (Just due to those who can't separate the two...) They both did phenomenal jobs this episode. I love Christopher being there when Chimney woke up though! And the call back to Chris having had more surgeries than Chim with Chimney telling him he's catching up. SO CUTE! And Chris calling him a superhero! AND BOBBY AGREEING! Agh, like I said, I love this entire family!!! Speaking of, I love everyone being at the Hospital. First having Hen there and Eddie showing up, and then Bobby taking Buck until he leaves to find Maddie with Athena. And Michael and Harry showing up to bring them food and coffee because Harry was worried about Bobby. And then Shannon coming by and bringing Christopher because she knows what it's like to be in a hospital just waiting for news like that. I just love them all coming together like that... All of them staying there and just agh! I love them! The man who tried to help Maddie deserved so much better too! And Maddie is likely never going to forgive herself for that, even though it wasn't her fault in the slightest. Just knowing he died because he was trying to help her. Yeah, I don't think that's something you can really forgive yourself for, no matter how much you logically know it's not your fault. She really has so much trauma. Like, she was with Doug for like 15 years from what I can figure out. That is a LONG time... And I don't even wanna think about all the stuff he would've put her through. The moment Buck finds her is one of my favourites though. Her just falling into his arms and him holding her up and her just telling him she didn't give up and him assuring her that he's got her. And then we have Athena coming up behind them, letting them have that moment, and the fact that she clearly only took a moment longer than Buck to take off in that direction. And their moment in the ambulance too. Them being able to make jokes about not being dressed for snow and Buck teasingly saying that he and Athena had it much worse having to chase them all over the place. Just him being able to make her smile after all that. And then telling her that Athena was gonna let everyone know she's okay and how relieved they'd all be, and her finding out Chimney survived! Those two are one of my favourite sibling relationships in a show!! I love them so much!!! But I think one of my favourite moments of the episode is that moment between Athena and Marx. Where he says it's a miracle she survived and Athena says it wasn't a miracle, she fought like Hell. I just love that. Because it's true. She really did fight like Hell to escape. And that had to be acknowledged. And the ending with Maddie and Chimney! I love them so much! They deserve all the happiness! I just want everyone in this show to just be happy. They all deserve it.