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I Am Not Chamari

So, they showed the entire process of how one becomes a vampire with Vicki in the past couple of episodes. Vicki drank Damon’s blood and then Damon killed her. Then, when Vicki woke up, she was in a transition stage and needed to feed to transition fully into a vampire. If you remember, she fed on Logan Fell’s bleeding corpse. So, you have to die with vampire blood in your system and then feed on human blood to complete the transition. In this world, a vampire just biting someone will never ever ever turn that person into a vampire. If you are a vampire, you can lose access to your own home. So, you still have to be invited in even if you used to live there. There are exceptions, of course, but they are potentially spoilery, so I won’t mention them yet. They did a close up of Carol Lockwood’s bracelet to show that she was wearing vervain, similar to Elena’s necklace that she was wearing. That’s why Damon couldn’t compel her. It’s actually great that you have faith in Damon at this point. We’ll see how you feel as you continue to watch lol But, I agree with you. It did seem like he felt guilty a bit and this was his way of paying it forward. He would NEVER admit that though lol