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Great reaction!! Loving these videos! To your point about the Kourtney/Howie situation…I dont think she’s mad that he goes to that school. She’s upset because he withheld the truth from her. One because when they first got together she told him that she doesn’t have time for drama and two because she had been texting him the whole day about the situation with the mask “stealing” and being at north high and he didn’t mention anything about it. In my opinion Howie should have told her once all that drama started with the mask that he knew about the situation instead of playing like he didn’t. He was literally in the dance battle and was gonna pretend like he wasn’t if she hadn’t caught him. So I think it’s the intentionally holding back the truth that makes it seem shady not that he goes to the other school that matter’s to Kourtney. I think if he would have told her like way before all the drama and she got mad at that then it would have been an overreaction on her part. But it’s just a little sketchy for someone to purposefully hold back information if it’s not a “big deal” ya know? Not saying I would react so dramatically in this situation but it would put a little distrust in my mind wondering why they didn’t just tell me from the start. Of course this is a tv show so they gotta ramp up the drama or else it would be hella boring as a show lol. And then the thing about Big Red, I think he was saying that he just wants to stay in salt lake and help run his family’s business which is totally valid and happens all the time in real life. I mean someone’s gotta do it lol. I think he was just upset because he thinks that isn’t good enough for Ashlynn, his whole thing this season has been him feeling like he isn’t good enough to date her and so it makes sense that he would be upset when she totally disregarded his dream of the family business and said he could do better. I don’t think Ashlynn meant it that way she was just trying to be supportive and because she has big dreams for herself, she just assumed he would want that too. Anyways, loving these reactions and hearing your thoughts! This is a favorite show of mine and I love hearing new perspectives on it!!