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Fuiono Ching Sung

Good reaction. Your complete and total animosity towards Paige is starting to crack some of us up. We may or may not have an Over/Under as to how many episodes it’s going to take you to warm up to her. 😅 Cool points for making the connection between this episode and Buffy’s season 6 episode with this same theme Normal Again. I enjoy this plot device too. I think Buffy did it better, but I enjoy both episodes. The show I first saw this plot device on was Star Trek: The Next Generation, where it was Commander Riker who wasn’t sure anymore what reality was real.


im curious if the people complaining about your take on paige and saying she's a good character are saying this from the perspective of people who know what's to come later/knowing she will grow over time. or if these people began liking her as quickly as they expect you to (meaning upon their first watch of the series, they liked her by episode 4x7). im watching this season for the first time via your reactions -- and i 100% agree with you. paige is annoying and uninteresting to me lol. i appreciate the showrunners attempts at making her different than prue -- but that isn't enough for me to be intrigued by her. i think all of the complaints you've had about her so far are 100% valid.

Fuiono Ching Sung

Most of us Charmed fans who watched the show in its entirety during its original airing were accustomed to Paige by this point. The pacing of the episodes being released was different for us. They would show a few new episodes, then re-runs, then new episodes, then re-runs, etc. So by the time this episode originally aired, we were all pretty accustomed to Paige by then. And while there were still MANY of us who were still missing Prue, we were all well aware of the behind the scenes issues that caused all of this, because it was being reported real time as it happened, and many of us were already used to Shannen Doherty drama from when she had her first fall out with Aaron Spelling on one of his shows (Beverly Hills 90210). And I'm pretty sure none of us were still wishing for Paige to die in every episode still by this point like you and Steven clearly are.


Liking or not liking Paige varies of course. Some people never liked Prue so the change was for the better. I was sad to see her go but she wasn't my favorite, Piper was. So this was an even better change in that regard. HMC does an amazing job as oldest sister and she grows so much. It also helps that Paige is totally different from Prue. Steven not reading about the reasons for Shannen leaving is not at all like original fans. We knew she was never coming back and the reasons for it. Maybe that would help him move on.


I don't think the reasons she left are relevant since it doesn't change what's going on in the show, Paige is still there, played by Rose, and the way it's all written has nothing to do with what happened behind the scenes. Shannen had to leave abruptly, that's all there is to know. Very often those negative details linger in the mind while watching the show and leave a bad taste in the mouth. No need to contaminate his mind that way, especially since there are too many different takes on what happened. It would be a fight in the comments section lol