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As with 1st part it for limited time only...

Just the bonus. I wanted to show my gratitude for your support from month to month! Thank you! You're awesome!


UPD. Weird, for some reason it didn't attach. Let's try again!

UPD 2. Attachments doesn't work for now, so grab the pictures ;)


Available no more.



Galaxyguide Neunundneunzig

If there is a 3rd one on Halloween '23 can send then also the 1st and the 2nd. To get the whole Story or release it when all parts are released?

Galaxyguide Neunundneunzig

It's great but is it just that picture? Otherwise pls give us a downloadlink!


You have the habit to post these when I’m out on deployment with spotty internet 🤣🤣 Took me a whole while, but part 2 looks really great! Nice demon suit ^,^

mike wilson

Hmm nothing there


Oh I'm sorry about that habit, not very nice of me :D Thanks! But speaking seriously, looks like I chose an unhandy time for this post.