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  • WearMe! Now! 2

In a few days I'll update WearMe! Now! 2, it's going to be the last update of part 2 intil June. I need some time to adjust the story. So the continuation is expected the next summer with part 3.

  • Ellie the Slimegirl 2

Since Ellie is taking more time, it update will be the last, 25-28 of the month. Same to WMN 2, it'll be the last update as a winner of the Winter Long Story poll.

  • A poll

Should I re-enable Winter Long story's variants of the poll except for Ellie? Or maybe you want something new to choose from? Feel free to share your thoughts in comments :)

  • SkinZi 2

Still the same, count on midmonth updates.

  • Kimi

A worthy substitute to WMN for the spring time. First update will be this month. A story about never discouraged Lando lucky to be around next to SKIN Cafe.

  • Additional content

No one can stop me if I decide to make some ;)



i am eager to watch mor Skin ZI.....


Is there any updates for "trust me"? I think you posted a preview a little bit ago. If not its okay but the image you shared of it looks incredible!


TrustMe's post was a preview for Winter poll as well as Stretchy Experience and A Wonderful Dream to help you to make a choice what you want to see. Ellie won that poll.

Galaxyguide Neunundneunzig

When will "Kimi" and "Ellie" be posted? You said that Kimi will be posted this month!! Looking foreward to it! About the poll, pls do it!


Hi! Yes, both updates will be this month. About the poll I want to know which poll people want to see ;) Brend new or maybe November's one? I will come up something.

Galaxyguide Neunundneunzig

About the poll again: I would take the 3 (without Ellie) of November plus a brand new one.....