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not-so-good news

Hello, guys! I felt sick, sad or something like that during October, too many different things fell on me, seems I need some rest. I planned to finish the Halloween stories before the end of the month, but I didn't have enough strength for that. I thought I could force myself, I could not. I don't even know what else to say. Sorry. I tried to finish at least a BuddyJam but even here it didn’t work out, not to mention thematic content.

That's why there was no poll for the next comic.

Sorry for my english too. Sometimes I am incomprehensible. Trying to say what I want takes most of my time and not worth the effort.

Unfortunately Halloween comics, BuddyJam and poll are postponed for November. I will try to post them as soon as possible (in the first days of the month).

Again, thanks for continuing to support me and my works, I really appreciate it. And thanks for understanding. You're all the best! 

Some Halloween Zi

SkinZi will be back in December, I guess... I'm working on it.


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