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Well, let's start ;)

As I already said, your opinion is important to me. Many of you prefer TG, however, it somehow dropped out of the pool of my works. Having analyzed all the work for the year in general, I came to the conclusion that I want to leave my page as it is, the way it is now: skinsuits, symbiotes, possessions and others. So I created an additional page on Patreon specifically for TG stories. This will allow me not to be torn between what I work for, and for you - to clearly understand what content to expect here and there. Since this is an additional page, I won't work to the detriment of my main page. No, this doesn't mean that you will pay for nothing - pledging you can be sure that you will receive content. However, at times, when I may not be in time, I will stop fundraising to save your money.


If you are interested, please wait until the first day of the next month to pledge!


By the way, I really want to finish MagicBoobs, it hangs as unfinished work. I think I'll try to finish over the summer.


I also wanted to continue the story with Ellie the Slimegirl but in the second part (according to my idea), the behavior of the characters is too different from what was in the first part. I'm a little confused about this. As an option - restart Ellie the Slimegirl, getting rid of the laboratory and reducing the number of years of Ellie (to the permitted limits, of course). Or come up with a worthy continuation of the existing part but... for some reason I don't like it.

Anyway I would like to hear what you think about this!

So I made the decision to postpone Ellie the Slimegirl for now, just to think what should I do, and replace with something equal.

Detective Scarlett - symbiote, faceless.

"Every first one is suspicious and every second - playing a double game. Happy married couple, nothing out of the ordinary. However, one of them is living a secret life, and the detective is asked to figure it out!"


And ALSO I will finally post the finished version of SkinHunt. Really finally! :D I know how long ago I should have finished that sequence!


I had a lot of doubts which comic to continue: SkinZi or WearMe! Now! I suppose that more of you are waiting WearMe! Am I wrong? I will add a poll and if it shows otherwise... :D Well, It's not too late to replay everything and start releasing SkinZi :D - good thing, that this story is ready! (in written form :D)


And one more thing: I hope to finish One Sip for Science! before the end of the month.



i hope onescience

Elise P

SkinZi was probably my most favorite comic on the page :( bummer!

Jack Stenly

Both are amazing!