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Looking at a sketch I thinking what do I see. An alien girl. She's sexy enough, but what if I expand that? Some of them put on her like a clothes. There is a girl inside or guy?  Or it may be that the skinsuits have nothing to do with it. Then the point is possesion. Spirit? Symbiote? Someone took possession of her or maybe the alien is looking for a victim himself. What's on her mind? Looking out for the one who willing to be eaten. Or the next moment her muscles will grow. Or breasts instead of muscles. Or both... What if she might turn into someone else? Or someone has ALREADY turned and I see the result?

I'm so sad that I only have to pick one.

Just thinking. Maybe it will forever remain just a sketch.




Normal people plz. It's look's like a little scare.


If you like some work, feel free to show it. This will help me to understand that I'm doing right.


i wish, it's a skinsuit to merge with some one

Ivan ivanov

I wish it's skinsuit and inside girl, who want make surprise to her boyfriend, but he don't know about it and think that it's other girl

Ivan ivanov

And then she is unmasked sheself and punishment him


Let it be a skinsuit with a girl inside.


Pretty good.