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I wasn't planning on going to FSC at all...... But I couldn't miss an opportunity to see Haiden while they were in Florida. And then they talked me into putting on Giorno and some comfy Adidas. We got to the con at 9pm on Saturday, LMAO. Did you know that there is NOTHING going on at night at FSC? I'm used to Momo and AWA and Katsu and Holmat where people are partying hard until like 4am. Anyway, I figured I'd share some pics with y'all since I bothered getting all done up in Gio. How do you feel about the gold lip?

INSANE, I can finally bust out these Trish wig commissions and get some cosplay items ready to ship out to those of you who were interested in buying. I also have a Sephiroth wig half finished and a Cosplay Bang Teasing time lapse/ tutorial on the way for yall! Thank y'all so much for your patience durring this crazy busy time <



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