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So bitty's ears were... A little bit of a challenge. They're floppy but they still stick out but they don't really stand up..... Also, they aren't a realistic bunny shape so I kinda had to experiment. I started out by cutting long bunny ear shapes out of craft foam. I kinda just eyeballed them instead of measuring them because I'm the worst 🤷 then once I got the shape and length I thought looked pretty close to the refference pic, I traced the same shape in pink fleese and again in the grey fur, leaving about half an inch of allowence on the fur pieces. I hot glued wire to the sides of the craft foam letting the wire extend a few inches past the bottom to use for anchoring to the headband later, then hot glued the pink felt over top. Then I folded over the edged of the fur and hot glued them down, cutting little triangles out of the corners so they would lay even when folded over. I hot glued the ears to the center of the fur then hot glued the folded edes of the fur to the sides of the ears. Once the ears were made, I wrapped the extra wire around a headband, tried them on to position them correctly, glued down the wrapped wire, glued a strip of craft foam to the underside so the wire isn't super uncomfortable digging into my head, and glued fur around the ears on the headband in case it shows are all through the slits in the hood. I know I'm not very good with my words and explaining things, so please let me know if anything didn't make sense or if you have any questions!!



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