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so some things i'll be posting over the next few days - 

  • stream schedule
  • monthly comic updates 
  • polls (as usual) 
  • google drive link changes (since my free expanded storage expired ?? ???????) 

looooong text version: 

my sleep schedule changed a few months ago and because my old stream times are now when i Slumber, it's been tough figuring out when is good to stream ;; basically any time between 5.30/6am and 6pm EST are fair game now, but these are difficult times to be able to watch at for most people :( lmk what you think! i'm thinking maybe noon or something every week on a set day~

i'm also thinking of working on a longer-term comic project, but don't want to pause monthly sketch comics if shorter-term comics like those are something people prefer! i'll be posting a poll or something for that within the next few days too! (along with the usual monthly polls!) 

alllso will be posting the usual google drive link, but i may have to figure out a different way to archive old stuff as my expanded drive space that i got for doing free surveys/etc. has been removed >< i upgraded to "google one" but i'm still at 60% of the total drive storage space despite that, so i'll try to figure out a good way to get around that! i'll definitely keep posting at the least the most recent month's contents on drive though, even if it means moving older months' contents to a different spot! ♡

as usual thank you guys for everything, it makes me super happy i can do what i love for a living ;w; i know some people unsubbed due to the recent decrease in Horny Content and part of that's been having difficulty balancing workload in order to draw personal horny art, but i really am grateful for everybody who's here for everything non-horny too!  thank you!!! 


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