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Hellooo everyone!  ouo/"

Just got the results from my most recent MRI's and the lesions in my brain and spinal cord are stable and unchanged from the previous scan.  New meds are doin their job! \0u0/   On the downside, my skin is becoming a bit tougher from all the needles and now sometimes they hurt >,,<.  Is better than my brain melting tho X3

In other news, I will be traveling again starting in mid-November to the end of January.  I'll be taking my laptop with me for smutmakings but will pause the campaign just before I leave and unpausing just after getting there--just in case there are unforeseen problems.

In other other news, smuts will be continuing soon! 83  I have at least three more installments of HEX planned, some little random things that are almost complete, and an animation I am working on here and there when I have time and patience.  Hoping to get that done before I leave so I can render it quicker.  If not I may wait until after I return to do it on the big box.  Not sure how my laptop would take it XD

That's it for now.  Oh!  New passwords will be going out tomorrow also.

Thanks again for your all support everyone!  \^o^/


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