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Hey everyone.  Sorry for the lack of updates, things have been extremely hectic.  Trying not to lose me marbles X3.  Been pushing to get medical stuffs done before I do some traveling that was planned before finding out about my new probs.  Not goin so great on that front.  Insurance and doctors seem to wanna slow-walk me on things lately so now first thing when I get back I gotta get more tests, exams and a lumbar puncture.

I'll soon be leaving for a trip to Switzerland that was supposed to happen last year but covid got in the way.  I planned to work on goodies all the time I'm there but decided I will put the campaign on pause for the upcoming payment for September and take a few weeks off to just unwind and get settled.  There will still be at least a couple postings, as I am usually unable to go without making smutts for very long XD.  And then after this very much needed downtime I intend to make up for all this recent slowness! 83

Thank you all for your patience and understanding~


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