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Lorentzian joke! 8D

Ok so things are still goin slow.  I am not going to make any more predictions on productivity that seems to be a recipe for pressuring myself to paralysis.  May do/post some more stuff like this while learning more Blendering.  Having a really hard time getting in the mood for crazyhawtness lately :-/

Gonna pause the thingie again for November.  I am thinking of doing some major overhaul of my Patreon come the new year.  I would also like to add more tiers but am unsure what to offer D8 suggestions would be much appreciated.

Anyhoo thanks for being patient with me guys X3

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I know I wouldn't care if I got charged and you had not posted anything since I just see it as encouragement for the art, not "buying art" so I am not expecting anything, so don't feel pressured. However, I had a suggestion that I have been trying a lot and it has been getting better, I know I don't have much to show for it much yet but I have gone from getting a few minutes done a day to two hours of stuff done a day. And that was just the thing of aiming to get 15 minutes of stuff done, way back it was just every other day, then I crept it closer and closer together. I have a white board calendar I would put a check mark each time I had done it. Eventually stuff started getting done, I'm almost caught up on drawings now and I'll hopefully be back on blender super soon. I would suggest after each session, even if it is that short, taking some sort of "WIP" so even if it's just a cap of the view port, and it can be a patrons only thing or something if you prefer to keep your public spaces clear of WIPs, but I think it could be helpful. Anyway, no matter what I hope you can get back into the groove, I know how frustrating it is to be caught in this high-pressure, self deprecating loop. I know on my part you don't need to feel obligated to perform or pause the campaign, etc. Do what you need to get better~


I very much appreciate ^,,^. I had thought about that but I get this knot in my stomach tho and won't go away until I'm productive which makes it harder to be productive 8S.

Rockaway Carter

Take as much time as you need. My support won't change.