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Sorry for the long lull guys, didn't mean to be quiet for so long.

I am recovering quite well now, fever broke Sunday morning and cough is aaaaaaalmost gone. Unfortunately some family issues have been dragging me down since this craziness started that have gotten increasingly frustrating and distracting. I won't go into it but I'll just say I really really really really really hate being the adult in a conversation full of people who are supposed to be adults x,,x it has been very exhausting.

SO! When things start going out again, and that will be soon here, I will likely be doing some venting thru rendering X33 fair warning XD

Anyhoo, just letting everyone know I am safe and alive X33

Stay safe and healthy out there!



Good to hear from you again and really glad to know you’re still doing okay. The current pandemic really is trying on a lot of people but we can make it through this! I look forward when things begin to calm down so we can see more goodies form you🙂