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Hello everyone! 0u0/"
I'm back from Switzerland!

I had an awesome time. Had a lot of fun and ate my weight in cheese 83 But I also learned me some new things 8O. DoubleScale from FA (with whom I was staying) taught me a LOT to help me completely move over to Blender from my current software. Hoping to be completely switched over within the coming month or two. Unfortunately Poser seems to just not be made with clean exporting in mind <,,<'. Every option to export something with a rig ends in a disastrous mangled mess, so each character I import is a bit painstaking, I have to re-rig them all. BUT! Blender gives a LOT of nice wiggle room to play even with unfinished models so there will be many quickie renders along the way. AND they look fucking awesome. There are sooooooo many more options in front of me now.

I'll post some progress renders in the next day or so.....and probably many more in the days that follow XD this is so fun. Fighting jet lag at the moment tho. It was really weird to fly 11 hours and land 3 hours after I left 8S

Thank you everyone for your patience and support! I really appreciate it ^U^



Awesome! Glad you had a good time and some r&amp;r. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us with switching over to a new engine.


Welcome back