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Ok! I thought it time to get some things out in the air again! ouo

Medical Updates:

First off I wanna thank you guys for your support, it has been enough to cover most of the expenses my insurance does not!
You guys are great! QuQ

So to anyone who does not know, I have a degenerative arthritis of the spine that causes me a fair amount of problems. Many of the neural foramen of my spine (the little trough-y things your nerves come out of your spine thru) are narrowing and slowly crushing my nerves, which sends sensations throughout my body ranging from mild tingling to intense, bone-shattering pain depending on how pissy my body decides to be on any given day.

Fortunately it is much more well-managed now than in the past. These past six months or so I have managed to get some very nice doctors on my side to push around my insurance company for a change instead of the other way about. Today I got a catheter shoved into my spine between my shoulder blades and aaaaaall the way up to near the base of my skull, steroids being injected as they withdrew it. Suffice it to say it was fucking awesome. Just hours later and it's easily 50% better.

There is still a rough road ahead but I am very hopeful moving forward ^u^

Content Access Passwords:

I've been asked by quite a few people why I use this off-site/password thing, and now that there are so many of you guys it'd be best if I explain for everyone. XD

Aside from obvious managing of access, I use it to obscure some of the more extreme images for those who are squeamish. Mostly tho I really just do not want to have any Patrons be forced to see a "locked" post. This way everyone sees everything in some form. Nobody misses out \^u^/

I understand it adds a bit of inconvenience, and I greatly appreciate you guys' patience with it! I haven't received a single complaint (unless it is when I have fucked up with making the passwords XDD).

It should go without saying that these are not to be shared with non-patrons; tho server logs seem to indicate it needs to be said, so there ya go.

The Near Future:

For most of July I will be traveling abroad. I have put some thought into buckling down and cranking out enough crazyporns to meet demand while I am away XD haha, but if I can't manage it I will be pausing the campaign for the month of July.

The Not as Near Future:

Later this year I plan to bring back the animation tier; getting back into the groove on those X33. I am also considering adding a higher tier for request renders, but for the moment I still lack the skill to create other people's characters and so would be limited to what I got so I am iffy on it 8S

As always tho, going forward ALL tiers will have access to ALL material in some form or another.

Welp, that's about all for now.

Thanks again, guys! \^u^/



Happy to hear that you're getting the right kind of medical attention! Where are you headed abroad?


Awesome always happy to hear you doing well! While I look forward to more pron naturally make sure you take care of yourself and stay in good health. 😀