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Sorry for being so quiet, guys. Along with some personal problems my medical condition has taken a bit of a hard nosedive and it has been keeping me mostly out of commission.

Some of you know already I have a degenerative arthritis of the spine I have been fighting for years; but now it has progressed to the point where I have cervical foraminal stenosis. Long story short, the nerves exiting my spine in my lower neck and upper back are being crushed by a narrowing of the passageway in the vertebrae they travel through. Currently I have lost nearly half the sensation in my hands, am having some trouble with fine motor coordination with my hands and fingers, and am in crippling pain most of the time. As such I'm just about unable to work IRL at this point.

Since I have had more free time tho I have been doing a little more 3D here and there. Unfortunately holding any position that isn't lying completely flat and motionless causes me intense pain so I cannot continue for long periods. A bit is going on tho and I am trying to finish up my commissions little by little. Some small things will show up first tho as I have also been playing around getting back into the groove X33

I hope to be undergoing spinal surgery in a few months to have some of the bone extracted to elevate the pressure on the nerves (and hopefully getting some cortisone injected into my spine much sooner!). If there has not been much damage done already I should have a fairly good recovery. Until then tho things will probably be fairly slow so I will be keeping my campaign suspended.

Thank you guys for sticking around. I really appreciate it ^,,^




Fingers crossed for a swift and full recovery!


It's been two months... any updates on your situation?


Well, nothing good unfortunately X3 I will be posting another update near the end of the week, but tentatively I plan to unpause the campaign starting in October.